Chapter 7: Let's ALSO Go To Quest Buy!

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Wow. Still reading? You are... just wow. Wow. I salute you. The world put too much faith into my skills tbh
PS, I dedicate this chapter of my story to IanaThePacifist , LightPurple1 and to rockutoo.

"Psst. Cady, wake up!" Comet said, "While you were sleeping, I realized the sword could grant me... well, a lot of things! Look! Welcome home!"

Cady half-opened her right eye."U-uhm, what? Comet, i-it's barely—w-wow. What did you do with the place? This is DEFINITELY home."

Comet grumbled."Ugh, I just TOLD you! Never mind... I need to grab booby-traps for this place, so we need to stop by Quest Buy for a few minutes."

Cady chuckled. "Hehe, booby-traps."

"Cady!" Comet chided.

Cady shrugged lazily."Okay, okay, wait, I need to grab my hoodie first, plus my—"

"Let's goooooooo!!" Comet screamed, clipping a portal open in the air and pulling Cady in with him.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" Cady complained.


Seconds later, they emerged from the other side of the portal. Comet took a deep breath.

"Ah, Cady, can you smell that? A new installment of booby traps is being shipped here!" Comet said proudly.

Cady swiped her feet against the floor."First of all, that's a creepy sixth sense you got there. Secondly, I don't smell the 'new installment'. I smell burning wood and dirty laundry. Thirdly, I'm gonna go hang out in the lounge. I'm gonna play it safe. Ludo's forces might be here, so I'm going to keep a low prof—"

"Don't be such a safe kid!" Comet said, while picking up a new magazine issue about Gnomewear. "Ludo, whoever that is, is most likely sulked up in some throne room easing your dad off his throne!"

"Eh, you're underestimating him," Cady said, then shuddered,"You want advice? Don't. Ludo has some ways of his own. You'll discover horrible ways to die if you underestimate him like that."

Comet completely ignored her. "According to my senses, the installment of traps is right over—"

"Shh! I-I think someone familiar is here... I can FEEL it."

"And you say I have a sixth sense," Comet muttered.

Cady led Comet along a stack of magazines and into a tunnel under boxes of wizard cereal (a/n: lmao srsly im sorry ppl but my imagination can only take me so far xP) and they hid behind a shelf. Cady peeped through a hole, and grinned mischievously.

"Just as I thought," She simpered,"Why, hello, Green belt."

A/N: cady's a walking movie script villain lol look at all her lines at the end of all her chapters im sorry im just gonna go—

Battle Of The Wand, A Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil Fanfiction Book 1 [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now