Chapter 6: Let's Go To Quest Buy!

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Next morning...

"Yeah, Marco!", Star whistled, "That girl means some serious BIZ!"

"Star, you'd do an awesome job by not reminding me, you know? I don't like losing. Nobody does." Marco said, annoyed.

His arm was still sore from Cady's pin-down (and it absolutely did NOT feel good, trust me), and his head was throbbing with images and... memories. Her agility and stealth were so un-Earthly that it was hard to believe that she was from Earth... Or at least, Marco thinks she's from Earth...

Marco shook the thought off. He decided to move on to the boy, the royally dressed boy he assumed was  Comet, who for some reason had a very creepy resemblance to his best friend Star.

"That girl Cady looked strangely familiar," Marco muttered.

Star tilted her head. "Marco, did you get bonked on the head THAT hard? I didn't see you get bonked—"

"Star, trust me, I am completely, most definitely fine. I just got judo-flipped and karate chopped, you know?"

Star pointed her wand at his head. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm fine. Plus, I'm sure you saw her agility and strength! They were all so un-Earthly..." Marco was drifting away in his own thoughts.

"Marco? MARCO!" Star snapped, snapping her fingers at Marco. "Marco, are you sure you don't need any help? I could call the—"

"Star, I'm fine, really. You don't need to do anything. I was just... thinking."

"Oh, now THAT'S not fine. Marco Diaz is THINKING? SO not fine. Even if you do top all of your classes, though."

"Ugh, Star, do you even know what I'm talking about? Are you sure you didn't even see that dude deflect your magic? That was CRAZY-AWESOME!"

"Marco, of course I NOTICED that! If I didn't, then I'd be... Oh no. Marco, does this mean my wand's magic is FALTERING?! Marco, we need to head to Quest Buy to grab a new charger for my wand! R-remember the last time my wand ran out of energy?"

"Sure, Star, we could but could we do that tomorrow? Remember the last time we went to Quest Buy? My brain is about to explode."

"Nice to hear all that, Marco, but we need to buy a charger for my wand, now."

"Of COURSE you do," Marco muttered.

"Yes, Marco, I heard that. Now, let's gooooooooooooo!!"

Star ripped a portal open in the air, and yanked Marco in with her.

"Wait, Star, but I need to—!"

A/N: Lmao poor Marco dont worry fam I gotchu

Battle Of The Wand, A Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil Fanfiction Book 1 [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now