Chapter 27

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A/N: Okay. So, another new character name. Who's Tori, you ask? Tori is my made up character, who is a she-demon. She is hest friends with Tom, and Maria's personal miced martial arts trainer. She also likes Comet, and thinks Comet likes her back. Comet is annoyed with everything Tori does, and that is one of the [many] reasons why he hates her.

And to all the Victorious Nickelodeon show lovers out there, yes, I got the idea of her name from Tori Vega. This is my longest author's note ever. So now, buh bye!! ;)

Tom put his feet on the arm of his throne.
"Another dirty job," He grumbled to himself.
"Master!" One of his skeleton servants came scurrying in."Tori is here."
"Good. Let her in."
The skeleton blinked."But you said--"
"NEVER MIND WHAT I SAID!" Tom roared, then rubbed his forehead."Go."

Seconds later, a she-demon came walking in.
"Hi, Tori," Tom muttered.
"'Sup," She greeted.

Tori was wearing her usual attire. She was wearing (breathe here) black and read leather combat boots, a jacket woven from pure fire, maroon shades, a black T-shirt and ripped jeans. Her hair was just like Tom's, only with a lighter color and longer, plus messier.

Tom smirked to himself. He knew Tori was the only one who could pull that look off without looking so intimidating.

"Ah," Tori said. "Dirty work?"
Tom nodded."Yeah."
"Hey, uh.. Did you see Maria--I mean, Cady, anywhere? It's been almost a week since she last arrived for my classes. And she's NEVER late!"
"Eh, is that so?" Tom smirked."Why not teach me instead?"

"Ok," Tori winked."First, you need to raise your weapon high in the air and drop it. Got it?"
"Haha. Very funny." Tom said, rolling his eyes.

Tori sat down. "So.. any stories?"
"Yes. A LOT. It's been quite a long time since you last visited, dude."
"I know, dude. I have a lot of catching up to do."

The servants of Tom's realm were soon falling asleep to Tom and Tori chatting to no end.

I know, guys, I know. This is a worthless chapter. But what can I do? I need to give some spotlight to the semi-villain, too, right?
So anyway, comment, vote, and give positive feedback! Negatives are welcome, and yes you can comment, but no you may not. ;)

Battle Of The Wand, A Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil Fanfiction Book 1 [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now