Chapter 35

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"..and I really think we should finish our project already, Marco!" The figure finished,"Hello? It's me, Marco!! Uh.. Jackie Lynn Thomas, your project buddy!!"
"Jackie Lynn Thomas," A voice snarled."What a nice name!!"
Jackie turned around."Marco!! You look--"
"Amazing?" Marco cut in."I've always been like this. Now, I'm gonna raid this strange house and kill all the inhabitants just for fun!"
Jackie blinked, confused."But won't that mean killing yourself? I mean.. You live here, right?"
Marco bared his teeth."I live in Toffee's castle. Nowhere else. I want to kill you now."
Marco charged at her."Yaahhhhh--!!"
Suddenly, a holographic message appeared between Jackie and Marco. It was from Toffee."Marco!" He scolded."Come on, boy, you think you can spoil that much fun from me? Bring her! Besides.. our visitors are gaining strength to find you."

Marco slipped his dagger intk his jeans, and smiled at Jackie."You're coming with ME."
Marco yanked Jackie's arm into the portal before she could say a word.


Thunder and lightning crackled in the sky, casting an eerie glow on Toffee's castle.
"We're here.." Tom muttered.
"If Toffee dies, which he will, because of me, I cannot WAIT to own this castle!!"
"You might be dead before you even get your hands on the throne."
"I'm a demon! I can't DIE!"
"If a demon kills you, you will."
"Gah, I don't care!"

Tom opened the huge double doors and stepped inside with Tori. He saw a girl sprawled on the floor, bleeding severely, and a boy and a girl both blonde, doing some kind of magic on her. Their auras seemed to glow green.

"Ma-maria?" Tom muttered.

Tom realized the two blondes were Star and Comet, and he felt a pang of guilt when he saw Star. Maria had her eyes closed, and she was breathing. She was being healed. By Star.

Star was nervously chanting. Comet's hand was on Star's shoulder, and wisps of energy seemed to trail through his hand and into Star's shoulder. Comet's suit was damp with tears, and Star was already sniffling.

Suddenly, Maria's eyelids flew open and she gasped
with relief. Her cuts and gashes were reduced to scars, though her hair was still messy, but that didn't matter anymore. She was alive!

"Wh-who did this??" Tori said, kneeling beside Comet.
"Marco did."Star frowned. "Well, not exactly Marco. He-he seemed spellbound. He-he didn't remember me or-or his family. Just..Toffee."
Tori gritted her fangs. "Xandarian spells. Tom, I thought you already banned spell-making in Xandaria!"
Tom examined Maria's now healed arm, and rubbed the scar.

"This isn't a spell." Tom muttered."It's a memory wipe potion. I don't mean for all this to sound like a fairytale, but.. Star, you're the closest person to Marco, right?"
Star nodded."I-I guess.."
"Well then," Tom said, clasping his hands together."You need to kiss Marco."

Muhahhaahaha I am evil for letting you hang there. Hahaha! You should have seen your face! Nah, I can't see it. Lol. Bye!

Battle Of The Wand, A Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil Fanfiction Book 1 [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now