Chapter 6

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"Mr. Yale?"

Hero stepped in the blacksmith, his clothes dirty and ragged. A man with a thick beard and dusty apron turned from his piston and gave his son's best friend a sweet smile. "There you are, Lil' Persson! Peter's not here."

Hero clutched at his satchel and said, "No, I'm not here for Peter. I... Was just wondering..."

Mr. Yale stopped hammering a sword and looked at the young boy with a raised eyebrow. "Yeah? Spit it out, lad."

Hero gulped and asked, "Do you accept young people as an assistant?"

Mr. Yale laughed heartily and turned back to the sword. "Depends if ya got skill, Persson."

Hero stood there and cocked his head slightly, absolutely clueless on what he said. No one could understand that gruff voice! Maybe Peter would have that voice when he grows up.


"Well, do ya?"

Hero raised his head. He asked, "Huh? What?"

Mr. Yale rolled his eyes and repeated, "Do you have the skills?"

Hero gulped and mumbled, "No but..." He spoke louder, "I can learn quickly."

Mr. Yale studied him from head to toe. He sighed and beckoned him to follow him inside the workspace. Hero followed reluctantly and an apron was pushed to his chest, taking him by surprise. He looked up at Mr. Yale, who gave him a thumbs up and muttered, "How do you say 'You're perfect' in Swedish?"

Hero put on the apron and replied, "Du är perfekt."

"Uh... Doo are per... fake."

"Close enough."


Mr. Yale poked his head out from the door, expecting to find a customer. Instead he found his assistant's little brother. Markus waved to him and followed him in.

"Your brother and I are making a sword for the guards. Peter's in the back with Dianne. Play nice, I'll be busy," instructed Mr. Yale.

Markus nodded firmly and ran out to the back, passing by his oblivious brother who was trying to heal his burnt hand from the hot metal he brushed past. Hero turned to acknowledge Markus but found him gone. He looked down at his red hand and winced at the blisters. He gasped when his boss noticed him and grabbed his unharmed wrist.

Mr. Yale yanked him to the back of his shop and dumped the hand in a bucket of ice cold water. Hero yowled at the sudden tug and watched his boss shuffle around behind him for a clean roll of bandages. Hero removed his hand and Mr. Yale wrapped it up quickly. He patted Hero's shoulder and muttered, "I'm no doctor but that'll heal in no time. By the way, how did you get away with it with minor burns? Usually it would be worse."

Hero shrugged. He turned when he heard the shuffling of feet behind him. Peter, Dianne and Markus were all bent over him, looking concerned and worried. Dianne sat down and took Hero's hands gently. She softly rubbed at the bandages and asked, "What happened?"

Dianna Jade Yale, Dianne for short. Twin sister of Peterson Robert Yale, daughter of Robert and Jennifer Yale. Twelve years old part of Hero's small trio of best friends. She loves fashion and sketches designs of outfits during class. She somehow passes. Gentle and innocent. She dreams of being a professional ballerina. No one thinks she would hold on to her passion and dream though, very indecisive.

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