Chapter 16

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Markus was fast asleep on his mattress after he interrogated his brother on the burnt hand matter. Hero did not say anything and kept silent, so Markus just sighed and went to sleep. Hero was staying up, his hand rubbing his slightly sore neck.

"Are you who they call 'Hero'?"

Hero's hand shot from his neck as he turned to stare at the older-looking man in strange robes peeking into his tent. Hero put a finger to his lips and jerked his head to his brother, and the man nodded. Hero then stood from his mattress and went outside to meet this man.

"Yes, who are you and what do you need?"

The man was looking around warily so Hero took this moment to take in the man's appearance. The man was clearly older than he was, probably in the mid 20s. Hero could not tell what country the man was from, so he assumed he was Minecraftian. The man had black-to-silver hair, and Hero was quite amazed by it. He had seen colored hair before, but it was used with natural dye and it left the hairs quite dry and... Nasty.

But this man had shiny black roots extending to a gorgeous silver strands that reached to his eyebrows. The man was trying to grow a beard, and overall, Hero taught this man looked quite handsome. (He's finding men to be more attractive nowadays, he wonders whether if it was the lack of women in his life.)

Hero was a little puzzled with the man's robes. They were quite dusty and a little dirty from being underground, but they still had their shine, the navy blue robes were long and tended to drag behind the man, like a cape. The sleeves reached to his wrists, but one sleeve was folded up to his elbow, and in the dark Hero could see faint black lines and curves. His head snapped up when he heard the man speak finally.

"My name's Darryl, uh, is it okay if I ask you a few questions? I hope I'm not disturbing your sleep."

Hero just cocked his head and smiled, "Sure. And don't worry, I don't get much sleep in this dusty tent anyways. So, do we go to your tent?"

Hero found the man to be staring blankly at his chest. His mercury eyes were wide and his mouth was hanging open. Hero started to be a little uncomfortable and flustered under the man's hard gaze, so he shifted from foot to foot and adjusted his shirt. When Hero pulled at his collar, the man snapped.

"Oh my, I'm sorry. And, uh, yes we can go to my tent. Follow me please."

With one last glance to Hero's chest, the hesitant man swerved around and started walking hastily. A puzzled teenager bounced right behind him.

•••Darryl's Perspective•••

I know magic.

I do magic.

So, I am a wizard.

I've known since I was a little kid, since my father was one. My mother knew, and she was supportive. Then the witch hunts began and my father was suspected by the local church in my old village. My father was found guilty, and my mother tried to stop his execution. The church then executed her for being a wizard's accomplice and failure of turning him in.

Pretty wild, I know.

I had no idea there were so many wizards outside me, my parents and a few family friends. So when I heard the story of some little guy's neck caused someone to suffer major burns, I was interested. I asked around for a story, and when rumors spread underground you... Misunderstand a little. Someone said the guy being choked was some Swedish soldier or something, but he looks... Young.

And it's common knowledge (among magic-abled people) that all sorcerers have this thing called Core Sight.

Basically, we can tell who has a magic ability through a ball of blazing fire ranging from all sizes and colors floating above people's chest.

Not many people have cores underground, but those who have them, has extremely tiny ones, it was difficult to spot them. This young man behind me, whoever, has the biggest I've even seen. His core is bigger than my own!

It was quite mesmerizing, really. It was a blazing active silvery blue ball of fire lapping at the air, and the glow did match his eyes a little. There was potential in the boy, since he burnt someone without any flammable object on him and the fact that he is extremely smart with mob knowledge.

He's kind of everything I wanted to be when I was young.

But don't worry, I'm satisfied with who I am now.


Hero and Darryl settled down in the much more cleaner and neater tent, and Darryl offered his guest some tea he got from a raid. Hero accepted it and was relieved to be drinking something other than murky water these days.

"Do you believe in magic, Hero?"

Hero raised his head from his tea and looked away for a second. He then muttered, "I do believe in all those superstitions and dark creatures. So yes, I believe in some types of magic I have heard about."

"Do you support the burning of witches?"

Immediately, the younger boy shook his head frantically. "Oh, of course not! I mean, just because the guy's left-handed, doesn't mean you have to torture them. And even if they are witches, they are still like us normal human beings. They want to live and be happy, that's all."

Darryl just smiled. Hero smiled back.

"I trust you enough to tell you this, my friend."

Hero leaned closer, eyes growing wide as he awaited the other man's whisper.

"I'm a wizard."

Hero just stared for a little, before throwing his head back and laughing. Darryl stood there and was extremely confused. Was he laughing because he didn't believe him? Hero caught the uncertain look on the man's face and explained, "I'm sorry, I just find it a little obvious. I did suspect you to practice some sort of magic from your robes, the books in what I suspect to be rune, and all these small vials everywhere in your tent."

Darryl blinked, "You aren't going to turn me in, right?"

Hero shook his head, smiling widely. "No, no, your secret's safe with me."

Darryl looked quite surprised. No questions? No asking if any myths or legends are true? No doubts? Is that it? He expected a lot more than that. "Is that all? No questions at all?"

Hero just cocked his head and threw another sweet smile. Darryl likes his smiles, it shows off his dimples. The younger male just said, "Nah, it's actually none of my business. I don't want to bug you out and ask whatever potion or spell you are using."

Darryl laughed and poured Hero some more tea. "I'm fine with that, really. I don't have many people to talk to about magic. And well, you look like someone who know a little bit of magic."

He cast another glance at the fiery light blue power core before looking back up to his new friend's eyes. Hero shook his head and protested, "I don't know a thing about magic. I really don't, my apologies."

Darryl looked away as he sipped his tea, thinking. He then put his empty cup down and asked, "I could teach you if you want, I guess?"

Hero adjusted his legs so he sat back on his heels, like how Japanese folk do. "Don't I have to be a sorcerer to learn?"

"Anyone can learn if they want to, " Darryl lied.

Darryl waited for his new friend's response. He watched the shorter male raise his head to lift an eyebrow at him in surprise. Darryl knew he was just making sure, so he smiled and nodded once.

"Well, when do the lessons start?"

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