what do the characters look like?

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Dianne & Peter:
Oh yeah Dianne and Peter are short forms for Dianna and Peterson
They're both born in Minecraftia, but their father is half Vietnamese (boom diversity)

Dianne has dark brown hair that reaches her shoulders
Peter has short, curly blond hair

They both have brown eyes

Mrs Yale & Mr Yale:
Their mom was born in Minecraftia, while their father came to Minecraftia at a young age to work

Their mom is blond, and she has curly hair reaching her shoulder blades
She has dark blue eyes like if you squint you'll think they're just dark brown

Mister blacksmith, has short, dark brown hair
He's quite thickset yanno all that work in the blacksmith
Brown eyes too

Ivan Zharkov:
Since he's a soldier he has a lot of scars
He's been serving for a long, long time so
He still keeps his dog tags around his neck
He has short, straight dark brown hair

Kaleb is just a super freckled gay british man
Nah he's not gay, he's just open-minded
He has curly blond hair, but much more curlier than Peter's
He has light brown eyes and because of vigorous training, he's muscular, but not too muscular hah

The Fosters:
Mr. Foster is a warlock, the highest rank a wizard could get
His power core is Prussian Blue
He has short dark brown hair
Average height, nothing too impressive, you wouldnt think he was a warlock let alone a wizard

Mrs. Foster is taller hAH
she's a sorcerer, and she has the potential to be a warlock, but she turned it down
She has lighter brown hair, and it reaches mid-back
She has bangs right above her eyebrows
Her power core is crimson red

They both have light brown eyes, you'd

assume they're amber

Red and blue makes purple ;)

Darryl Lance Kirkland:
He's of average height
He has short and messy black hair, but if you stare hard enough under sunlight, you can spot a few silver hairs
He's a sorcerer too
His power core is silver
His eyes are a mercury gray, hah like draco malfoy
He probably has a tattoo on his arm, but he wear long sleeves most of the time so

Markus Alexej Persson:
Taking after his father, he has short and messy dark brown hair
He dark brown eyes as well
But like his mother, he's super fucking tall
He has a few scars here and there

Hero Persson:
He takes after his mother more, he has her light brown almost blond hair and he has her blue eyes
He grows his hair out at the rebellion, where it became long enough to be tied into a ponytail
Like his father, he's short woops
He's heavily scarred from all his bad decisions oof

Mr. & Mrs. Persson:
Mrs Persson is p tall, and she has light brown hair that she often ties up in a bun
She has blue eyes and she's Finnish

Mr Persson is p short, and he has dark brown hair
He has dark brown eyes and he's Swedish

Melanie Coralle:
Yeah her last name is a pun but all is whale am i right
Dont worry ill sea myself to the door
She has long silver hair that reaches her shoulder blades
Her tail is dark blue and her fin is a lighter blue (they somewhat have a silver sheen tho)
The scales on her body are silver
She has sharp claw-like nails and yeah her fingers are webbed
She has reptilian like yellow eyes
She also has fangs yikes

A complete replica of Hero, but he just has darker hair
One of his eyes is pure black and the other is pure white (wooo foreshadowing)
His wings are modeled after a raven's wings
He also has fangs, since Hero grows them
He wears black robes and the sleeves reach his elbows but they cut off as if they have been burnt off???
He wears dark gray pants underneath, then has similar black military boots like Hero
He has this metal bracelet on his right wrist (woo foreshadowing x2)
He has a griffon-like tail that has black fur that ends with silver tufts

He's a demon

Ill explain soon ;)
He has black hair that has red tips, elven like ears
He has sharp and long horns
He has fangs, and like Mel, reptilian yellow eyes
He got some black feathers braided into his hair (i wonder where he got them from)
He has some mysterious scars that even Nabiel has no clue about

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