Chapter 42

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Trigger Warnings: Graphic sex scene. Mentions of unsafe sex. Look out for the ♡. Yes, it's here. Lots of slurs and dirty talk because alcohol and anger is involved. Now, I can't promise no mentions of sex after the scene, because everyone has to deal with the aftermath. Short summary at the end of the chapter for those who skipped it. Enjoy.

Since Hero was caught with his Michael Dane alias, he had to forge a completely new one. He was a brunet this time, with the same blue eyes. His hair was shorter and was way more curlier than what he was used to. He stuck close to his original height, but just changed the shape of his face to seem much more sharper. Soon, he had charmed a completely new set of IDs and left the jungle that was currently a disaster.

Derrek nagged at the back of his mind as he strolled lazily to the nearest village. The man had told him that getting drunk was not the go-to. Hero had not drunk for quite a while, and he missed the sweet burn of vodka down his throat. He decided it was time to relax for a bit, after almost killing himself trying to master element bending. He hoped he could get a cigarette or two as well, he really needed to lay back.

He found himself being interrogated by another set of ridiculously horny soldiers, and he did not bother toying with them. He gave him the fake name and ID as 'Jeremy Wards'. Derrek had picked out the name, so that was the reason why it sucked so bad. It was Derrek's fault his name was Herobrine instead of Hero now and it ticked him off.

It was in the afternoon, and the sun would set in an hour or two. Regardless, Hero made his way to the nearest bar immediately. He would not get the best, like in the Center, but at least he could relieve himself for a night before running away from soldiers again. As Hero approached the guarded entrance, he skipped the already growing queue and went straight up to the thickset guards. They huffed at him for a VIP pass, and Hero lazily fished out a fake one. It was just a piece of paper with a bunch of difficult charms on, but it'd last him the night. He ignored the jealous and irritated looks of the people waiting in line and stepped in after the guard gave him the go.

The bar was not crazy and full yet, but a couple of people were already dancing their life responsibilities away. Hero wondered whether he would be joining soon.

You'll regret this.

Like how I regret everything.

Man, you've never touched a glass and you're already in an alcohol-induced depression.

Hero snorted to himself and dodged between the grinding bodies. He was pretty sure that hand on his ass was not friendly and he hurried to the bar. He took a seat away from couples flirting. The bartender just looked at him, and he finally spoke, in a charmed rougher voice.

"Let's get a G&T to get this show on the road."

The bartender rolled his eyes. "Whatever you say, man."

You may start the song.

Hero rolled his glass, watching the melting ice tumble about. He had had a couple of glasses already, but it was not working. He even switched to an apple Martini but it was not doing the trick. He would like to ask for pure vodka, but the bartender would think he had a problem. Hero was still sober, even if his cheeks were red and Derrek's voice was barely a whisper. He downed the rest of the glass and set it down harshly, earning a look from the bartender.

He mouthed an apology and he sighed. He looked at the larger crowd of people now grinding harshly. A couple of ladies in scandalous outfits stared at him for a second too long but all he did was tip his glass to them as a greeting. He never stared back, just gave them a disapproving look whenever they met eyes. He was about to get another glass, when he heard the stool next to him squeak under pressure. He did not turn his head, but only his eyes to the stranger next to him.

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