Chapter 38

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Noah sat up with a gasp.

Was it all a dream?

He searched for the warmth Hero usually has next to him when they sleep. His sides were empty and cold instead. His hands absently went up to his neck, and his fingers brushed against two puncture marks. He sighed.

He's dead.

It was not a dream, and Hero's alone. He left him alone, with his nightmares and panic attacks and-


He was faced with a rather tall woman. She had strange glowing white hair that cascaded down her back in thick waves. Pale freckles dotted her cheeks, and even they seemed to gleam. Her hands were folded neatly in front of her, and she wore a silver silk dress that hugged her frame perfectly. Her feet were hidden in her long dress that draped on the ground. Pearl wings that had pink sheens decorated her pale fingers, and a matching pearl tiara rested on her glowing hair. She opened her eyes to smile warmly down at Noah, and he was shaken by the silver irises. Stars seemed to dot her pale eyes, and mist poured gracefully from them.

He had not noticed that he was staring, jaw hanging. He shook himself out of his stupor, and took his time to take in the unfamiliar surroundings. He was laying in something extremely soft, and he looked down to see himself sitting on clouds. He bent down to squeeze the fluff, and gasped at how soft it was. He looked back up, and found himself in a cloud domain. Buildings rested on the clouds, and he seemed to be on a street. What was truly strange was when people peeked in from their homes. These people had stars dancing around their bodies, and they looked misty. Their eyes were dotted with stars and had a white sheen whenever they looked at Noah. They stared at the woman with respect and awe, and down at Noah with curiosity.

Feeling a little uncomfortable, he looked down at himself. His breath hitched in his chest when he saw his own dark skinned body surrounded by tiny flecks of light. They followed every movement, and his hands went to his chest. He felt nothing, but instead of the chill of death, he felt warm. He looked back up at the woman, who was patiently waiting with a hand outstretched. Reluctantly, he took it and a surge went up his body as his fingers intertwined with hers. He froze, and the woman chuckled.

The woman's voice sounded so heavenly.

"You must be Noah, right?"

He nodded absently, still in awe. A few words made their way from his mouth without him even thinking, "Where am I and why are you so beautiful?"

The woman's chuckles turned into loud and deep laughs. Noah felt himself relax at her laugh, and he listened intently to her reply. "Such a charmer. Well, you are in the land of the resting and fallen, the Aether."

She gestured to everyone and everywhere. The place seemed to glow under her presence. People cheered and waved at Noah eagerly. All negativity leaked from him as he returned the waves shyly.

The woman spoke again, "This is my realm. You have done your part in Minecraftia and here you shall wait for your friends to complete their destinies. In the meanwhile, you can explore and even meet some of your own family members."

He could meet his mother. His father. His family. The family he was taken from. Noah felt himself going emotional. The woman cooed, "Please don't cry, dear. Now, I'll lead you through the basics."

Noah raised his head. She smiled warmly again, "I'm Lady Aetheria, and like I said, this is my realm. There's my big sister, Lady Netheria who operates the Nether. She does not come here often, but when she does she wrecks almost everything. My other sister, Lady Endia, she resides in the End and she's really calm and collected."

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