Nuetral Ending

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□Hero's Perspective□

All the medic training came back to me and I remembered distinctly from my instructor.

"You can perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitation on unconscious victims, perhaps from drowning, cardiac arrest and various other things..."

My hands getting to work, I turned Markus' head to the side, watching water drain from his mouth and nose. After I saw nothing left, I turned his head back to its original position. I tilted Markus' head back and placed one of his hands on his forehead. With two fingers of my free hand, I lifted Markus' chin. I observed my brother and watched his chest rise slowly. I bent over to confirm by listening and feeling the exhale of breath. I made sure there was no obstruction for my brother's airway, before proceeding.

I pinched Markus' nose and took a deep breath. I leaned down and sealed my lips on Markus' and breathed, pausing after every exhale and inhale. While breathing in, I made sure to feel Markus' chest rising and falling with my hand over his chest. I carried on with the process in a steady manner. I counted intervals in a regular frequency and paused to take a breath for myself. I made sure my breaths were passing through Markus effectively.

And he stopped.

The rising of Markus' chest stopped, and I pull away. His chest was not moving. I lean down to put my ear above his mouth and nose. I could not hear nor feel him breathing. I press my ear to his chest. Nothing. In one last desperate attempt, I grab his wrist, trying to find his pulse.

Still nothing.

I sit back, and stare.

Markus was dead. He was dead because he drowned. He drown because I was not paying attention.

I raised my head, daring for that voice, for Derrek to speak.

I screamed.

He had a huge funeral. I arranged for his body to be buried at our childhood village. His body was carried there in a carriage, with me and Jeb following. My full blue uniform on, as I was attending as both his brother and his general. Jeb was in royal black robes, as he had stepped up to take the throne in Markus' wake. I promised to tutor him and help him along the way, teach him everything he needed to know to be a king.

I introduced Jeb to Markus' and I's childhood home. Where his grandfather, Ivan, worked. Guards had escorted us to the burial site, where my childhood house used to sit. It was torn down months ago because of how old it was, and a grass patch lay where it used to stand. My brother would be buried in said patch, and guards would be dispatched to guard it every second, every minute, every hour, every day for as long as the world will live.

Jeb and I watched them lower the marble coffin into the ground. We watched them pour dirt after my brother's body. We stayed long afterwards, and that was when Jeb broke down. He cried, and our guards offered a napkin. He took it gladly and I stayed until Jeb wanted to go home.

Jeb's coronation was next. I was the one who would give him Markus' old crown. It was grand, huge and public. We were guarded heavily, as Jeb told me his promise for Minecraftia's future. Our people watched as he kneeled at my feet. Our people watched as I placed the crown on his head. Our people watched as he stood with ease, and smiled at me. I acknowledged the new king with a nod and salute, before stepping back to watch him address his people as king.

Everything went fine.

I trained Jeb well. He was a brilliant king, every bit as brilliant as Markus. He gave everyone and anyone proper rights, and made sure everyone had equality. He ruled steadily and well, with me at his side, leading the military. He found a wife, and got married. I attended the wedding, and I was his best man. They had a child together, and the new royal family began. He never took on the Bergensten name. Before his coronation, he asked and pleaded to take my last name.

So I signed the adoption papers. He became my little brother. Jens Persson. He married and continued my line. My brother's line. My mother's line. They had a son. He was a Persson naturally.

My last name became royalty. I was an uncle to Jeb's son, and I became a grand uncle too. Jeb passed away of old age, and that was when I started realizing the papers, the whispers and rumors.

General Persson Not Aging

General Persson Looks The Same After 20 Years, See Pictures Below for Comparison

General Persson Not A Human

General Persson A Wizard? Theories Below

At first I thought it was stupid. Then I took a good look at myself in the mirror when Jeb died. I looked young, I looked normal, I actually looked great.

But it was not right.

There was something wrong. I should have died years ago, or at least retired. My muscle mass has increased, and I was still a good fighter. I was still stern, and I still had teenage spirit.

It was all wrong.

People started suspected me, and they had every right to. It was not fair. How could someone as amazing as my brother die, but not me? How could someone as inspirational as Jeb die, but not me? I did not deserve this, I did not deserve any of this. How could an 80-year-old man look as young as 20?

In a fit of stress and rage, I shuffle for my pistol. The pistol I hid almost everywhere in my office. I was diagnosed with PTSD two weeks ago after I had an attack while I sparred. I took pills and I was fine. Years ago I was diagnosed with Paranoid Personality Disorder.

Everything was going well. Too well.

It should not be this way.

I find my pistol, and made sure it was loaded. I took some spare paper and started writing my heart out. My suspicions of myself, the thoughts and things I kept telling myself every night since Markus' death. I signed it with...


'Hero' Persson'

I took the pistol, and placed the barrel in my mouth. I did not cry, I did not panic. It was just like shooting a target, I told myself.

I pull the trigger.

I heard the bang and the clatter of the bullet shell as it landed on the floor, together with my body. I smelled the gunpowder. I tasted the blood and guts. I felt the excruciating pain of blowing my brains out.

All in a nanosecond.

Before I fell into a blanket of white.

I wake. It was too bright. I squint at the supposed sun and groaned when a figure blocked it for me. My eyes adjusted and I see a dark-skinned man standing over me. He had luscious black hair that looked really soft. He looked relieved, and his lips were twisted in a heartwarming smile. I could see his enlarged fangs, they looked cool. We made eye contact, and I immediately fell for his black and red eyes as he fell for my blue ones.

He held out a hand.

"I've been waiting forever, Princess."

I grab the hand.

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