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Chloe's POV

He leaned over me to my ear. "Your sexy." He breathed down my neck. I froze not knowing what to do. Where's Andy?! I need him?! All of a sudden the guys hand pinches my butt. I yelp and stumble back into somebody. I look up to see Andy. He looked really pissed.

Andy's POV

"What's taking her long?" I moan and walk to the door. My eyes widens as I see a guy all over her and his hand on Chloe's butt. I walk carefully behind Chloe. She yelps and bumps back in my chest. I stare at the man.

I lean to him. "Keep your hands off of her." I say low and hoarse. The guy starred at me. He nodded his head and ran off. I watch him run and turn around. I hold my middle finger at him and he continued to run. I feel a tug on my hand. I turn around to see Chloe smiling a bit. I close the door. I take the bag and set it on the table.

"Foods ready." I say and walk to the kitchen the guys run to the bag and pull there food out. Chloe was right behind me.

"Thanks." She said quietly and she looked at the ground. I smile and hug her. She brakes the hug and stands on her tippy toes. Her soft lips press on mine. I smile as she kissed me. I kiss her back. She smiled and blushed. She swiftly turned around and pulled out two Cokes for me and herself.

I stare at her and then look at the guys.

"Here ya go!" Chloe held out the Coke. I smile and grab it.

She smiles and skips to the food bag. I follow her and take my food out. She does too.

"What happened back there?" Jake yelled stuffing noodles into his mouth. Me and Chloe walk back to them and sit on the ground.

"Just a guy hitting on me. Andy saved me." She explained and began eating her noodles. I look at the guys and grin.

"Damn dude good job." Ashely said eating his chicken.


We all sat there and watched TV for a while. Then we all broke up to go to our rooms.

"Hey goodnight guys!" Chloe smiled and waved at them. They wave.

"Night!" They all say at one time. I chuckle how do they do that?

They all separate and walk in there rooms. When all the doors close. I grab Chloe's hand and pull her in my room. I closed the door and smiled at her.

"Hey Andy." She smirks and stands on her tippy toes and kisses me on my cheek. I love that so much.

I grab her hand and pull her into me. I hug her tight and lean back. Her grip tightened on me as we both fell on the bed.

"I love you." I say and kiss her head.

"Me too." She raises her body and hovered over me. We sit there for I while.

"Stop teasing me!" I growl, smiling I lean up to her using my elbow to help me raise. I kiss her soft lips. I feel a smile creeping on her lips as I kiss her. I lightly push her so she was under me.

I press my lips on her neck and graze.

I hear her let out a little moan. I look up at her. Damn that was sexy.

Chloe's POV

I feel Andy's lips press on my neck. He wonders around grazing softly. I bite my lip to prevent moaning. He kissed my sweet spot. I moan a little as he grazed on it. He soon pulls me down and rolls on top of me. E raises to hover over me and looks down at me, smirking. I smile and put my cold hand on his chest. I feel him tensing up to my cold hand on his warm chest. How the hell is this man even with me? I keep doubting myself that this is just a dream.. But everything has to be real. I lean my head towards him.

"I'm tired." I whisper in his ear. My hand still on his chest. I feel him getting tense and goosebumps. I smirk. He gets off of the bed and turns the light off with a smirk. I lay down and snuggle under the covers. I feel the bed dip as he climbs in with me. I giggle as I feel his warm arms around my stomach.

"Night." I whisper.

"Night beautiful." He whispers in my ear.

I shiver and press my back to his chest and finally I let out a breath and my eyes drop.

We Stitch These Wounds ((Black Veil Brides fan fic))Where stories live. Discover now