Broken Hearted

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(Keri POV)
I am about to go to Toni dorm room and tell her that I have been cheating on her. I have been thinking of the perfect way to tell her. Probably I will ease into it. I really want to be with her but I don't know if she would want to be with me after I tell. So I'm on my way there. Please wish me all the luck that you can.

(Toni POV)
I just received a text from Keri saying that he wants to talk to me I don't know what it's about. He said he is coming to my dorm room so I guess I better get ready for what he is about to say. Speaking of him here he is...

Toni: hey babe*hugs&kisses him*

Keri:hey baby how you doing today?*hugs&kisses her*

Toni: good just was going to stay in and do my homework how about you?

Keri: I'm good..... Actually I am not good I have something to tell you. *looks nervous*

Toni: what is it, are you okay?*looking worried*

Keri: I'm fine, it's just I have to tell you something important and that I hope you don't get mad.

Toni: okay just tell me. I can't promise that I won't get mad just tell me.

Keri: know my ex girlfriend Tracey right?

Toni: yes, now could you please get straight to the point?

Keri:okay okay... well you see me and um.. Tracey... Um had sex.

Toni: *crying* I thought you loved me now you're going behind my back and sleeping with other people *yelling*

Keri:I didn't mean to sleep with her and I do love you baby.

Toni: *crying&yelling* how long did you sleep with her, while we were together?

Keri: Umm.....

Toni:*crying&yelling* Keri answer my fucking question, how long have you been sleeping with her?

Keri: for a month now*teary eyed*

Toni:*yelling* really Keri really you knew you had a girlfriend to sleep with but you decided to sleep with someone else?

Keri:*raising his voice* well it wasn't my faught if you would have been the girlfriend I thought you would be I would've never cheated.

Toni: *yelling*really Keri you say that, how in the hell could i be the perfect girlfriend to you when my boyfriend is going around fucking his ex.

Keri: look Toni I'm sorry for what I did I just want you to forgive me and give me another chance.

Toni: Keri you cheated on me and you know how I feel about that. I just can't forgive right on the spot. What you did to me room all the trust I have for you away. I love you but I just need a break just so I can process everything.

Keri: okay baby and I am willing to do what ever I can do to gain your trust back for me. And I will always love you Toni always *gets up* I am about to head back to my dorm room. I love you Toni remember that*leaves*

Toni: *speechless*

Next Day on Campus:
(Kenneth POV)
I was waking on Campus when I saw Toni, she looked so sad. I didn't want to bother her but what kind of guy would I be to just leave a sad person alone. I want to go over there and talk to her but it seems like she is going to ignore me just like she did other people when they stopped by. You know what I am going over there to talk to her...

Kenneth:*walking over to sit next to her* can I sit here or is it taken.

Toni:*teary eyed* no you can sit there.*looking down at her hands*

Kenneth: I'm Kenneth by the way*holds hand out*

Toni: *shaking his hand* I'm Toni.

Kenneth: I know who you are you're one of the finest women in campus.

Toni: *wiping her tears away&shaking his hand* well Kenneth if you knew who I was you would've said hey to me and I know who you are also. One of the finest boys on Campus.*smiling*

Kenneth: why thank you , back to you why were you sitting here looking sad?

Toni:yesterday I found out that my boyfriend was cheating on me with his ex.

Kenneth:wow I know it's hard on you right now but do you still want to be with him.

Toni: I don't know. He's a good guy but I just lost a lot of trust for him. I told him to just give me time to think.

Kenneth:well do you love him

Toni: I love him and is in love with him but now I dont know what to feel about him though.

Kenneth: do you think that you want to be with hi...*Nicole come walking calling his name*

Nicole:Kenneth who the hell is this

Kenneth: this is just Toni we were talking because she was sad.

Nicole: well it looks like she wasn't sad if she is smiling.

Kenneth:excuse me Toni I have to talk with my girlfriend but see you around.

Toni:okay bye*looks a little sad*

Nicole:yeah and don't come around my boyfriend again.*walking away with Kenny*

Kenneth: Nicole calm down damn I don't be saying that when you be talking to those other dudes and besides I got you and only you no need to worry cause I love you.

Nicole: I love you too it's just when I see you around other girls I tend to believe you will leave me for them.

Kenneth: I will never leave you but what did you want because I have to get to class

Nicole: I wanted to talk to you because it is really important.

Kenneth: okay tell me what is it.

Nicole:'m pregnant.*looks nervous*

Kenneth:*looks surprised&happy* really OMG I going to be a dad I can't wait I love you so much Nikki.*kisses her*

Nicole:so your not mad because I am kind of worried.

Kenneth:no I am not mad and why are you worried.

Nicole:I am worried because we are still in college and what am I going to tell my parents.

Kenneth: I will help you tell them but until then I love you and i want you to not stress and hurt our baby but I really have to get to class.

Nicole:okay I love you

Kenneth: I love you too bye.

( Kenneth POV)
I can't believe this. I am going to be a father. I am so happy. I am going to ask Nicole to marry me one day. Wow this is amazing.

Will Toni and Keri still be together? Or will they break up? You will just have to wait and see.

What will happen when Nicole parents find out she's pregnant?
Will Kenneth end up marrying her after all? Until then keep hope alive.

Reunited: ToniFaceWhere stories live. Discover now