Love All Over

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One month later on campus
(Toni POV)
We have three more months until we graduate and I can't wait. Me and Keri are still together. He has shown me that I can trust him all over again. I have to say I love and is in love with him all over again. Me and Kenneth don't talk to each other no more because his girlfriend said so and I'm cool with it. Right now I am in my last class and after class I am going home to see my family for the weekend. I miss them so much. I talk to my sister's but that's it. But I have to go bye.

After class in Toni dorm room

(Toni POV)
My friend Janet is helping pack some clothes so I can go to parents house which is not that far. I am going to tell them that me and Keri are back together and I am not ready to hear what they have to say. Also I am going to tell them that I want to persue a music career in the future once I graduate. I also can wait to here what they have to say about that. Right now I am done packing and talking to Janet. This is how it went...

Janet: girl I'm going to miss you while you're gone.

Toni: girl I'm only going to be gone for the weekend.

Janet: *fake crying* but I won't have anyone to laugh with and go places with for the weekend.

Toni: girl if don't stop that fake crying and plus you have you're boyfriend to cheer up.

Janet: I'm not spending a whole weekend with his ass so he can just talk about what he want to do what the hell wrong with you.

Toni: well excuse me just saying you aunt got to get all defensive on me like that.

Janet: my bad girl but any way what's going on with you and Keri?

Toni: we are still together and I am in love with him all over again. Its a good thing that his ex didn't get pregnant because I would have cut his part off.

Janet: damnnn Gina that's harsh but it's good that y'all are together. Sooo any kids and marriage in the future.

Toni: in the future I'm just trying to finish school first.

Janet: I hope we still be friends in the future. Wait what did you want to do in the future?

Toni: I want to pursue music but my parents want me to be a teacher and today when I go back home I will tell them that I don't want to be a teacher. What did you want to do?

Janet: well I want to be in the music business also but I can't because my dad doesn't want me to but I am going to do it anyway.

Toni: I don't get why our parents have to make decisions for us like we are grown and can do what we want just because they done did everything already and know everything doesn't mean that they have to control our lives.

Janet: I agree and they should just let us make mistakes so we can learn from them they made mistakes how come we can't.

Toni: yeah but I'm gonna get ready to go because the girls should be getting out of school and on their way home.

Janet: how are the girls anyway?

Toni: well Tamar is 14 and in 8th grade and she has a boyfriend She think that i Don't know but I do. Trina is 15 in 9th grade. Towanda is 16 in 10th grade and Traci is 19 in 12 grade.

Janet: wow they are getting big well I'm going to let you go and call me when you get down there.

Toni: I will see you on Sunday*leaving out the door*

Janet:okay see ya.

2 hours later at Toni's parents house

(Toni POV)
Toni you can do this they are your family. You can do this stop being nervous.

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