You Are Selfish

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As Toni was about to walk out Keri said. " you know what I'm gone" what Toni said next will not be so pleasant because he sho'll did leave ...

Toni: Keri I don't give a damn any more go do you because you obviously don't want to be here as a man to be with your family but hey I don't care anymore just do what ever you want*walking out the door and downstairs*

Keri: bye man Denim I'll see you later okay

Denim: okay daddy where are you going

Keri: daddy had to get back to work but I love you okay

Denim: okay daddy love you two

(Keri POV)
Okay look I know that I am wrong for taking my ring off but I had enough with her every time I come home she if always on my back. I really love hey but I don't know what to do. I am kind pic falling our of love with her. I have been cheating on Toni for two months now. I know it's wrong but Toni don't know what she wants and I know what I want she just don't get it. I have been cheating on Toni with Tracey from college. I am in love with her and I love her right now I am at her house so 👋 bye.

Tracey house

Keri: damn babe you look good as hell

Tracey: I know baby since the kids are with their father I can have you all to myself.

Keri: how about I take you upstairs and give you An experience that you will never forget.

Tracey: I would love to

In the bedroom

Tracey was getting her experience and Keri was doing a great job at showing her. Here is how it went down

Tracey: *laying on the bed kissing Keri*

Keri: umm baby get out these clothes so I can make love to you.
*taking off his clothes leaving his boxers on*

Tracey: *taking off all her clothes leaving her bra and panties on*

Keri got on top of Tracey kissing her lips then going down to her neck . she moaned as he gave her hickies on her neck. He then went down to her breast and kissed and sucked on the top of them. She was moaning like hell when he did that. He then went down and kissed all over her stomach. He further down to her uterus before he did anything he asked....

Keri: are you ready baby?

Tracey then said as she was moaning...

Tracey: yes baby I'm ready

After she said that Keri ran his finger down her uterus. She moaned a little before he kissed it which made her moan even more. He slid down her panties and kissed her more then he started to eat her out. She was moaning loud and you could here it through out the whole house. He ate her out for five minutes and he went up and kissed her. He took his boxers off and positioned his self at her entrance. She arched her back telling him that she was ready. He then went inside her she started moaning as he went in and out of her stroking hard and slow. She told him to go faster and he did just that as he was going faster with good hard and deep strokes he felt her walls tighten up. She the came all over sheets as he came inside if her. They had sex for 2 hours straight. Once they got done they just layed there. Then Keri said

Keri: damn babe I love you so much

Tracey: I love you to baby that was the best adventure ever

Keri: I know babe and I will leave Toni for you babe because I love you and is in love with you.

Will Toni find out that Keri is cheating in her with someone she doesn't really get along with?

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