3 months later

427 19 8

On campus
Friday evening

(Toni POV)
So tonight is our graduation ceremony and I can't wait. I can finally say that I graduated college with a degree. I am still going to be a teacher but I am doing that for a little while since I am getting into the music business. Me and Keri are still going strong. We love each other a lot and we are not leaving each other. We already have a condo together. I haven't talked to Kenneth after I seen him at the beach. My whole family is so happy for me and they are coming to my graduation I unfortunately I couldn't tell them about me going I to the business of music but I have to say it's not that important right now I can still wait. I have to go though because the ceremony is about to start.

(Keri POV)
So tonight is our graduation ceremony and I am so happy. I can't wait until ours over so I can celebrate. I am a producer in music or at least that's what I aiming for. Currently I am working at children's hospital. I am still with my love forever Toni. We have a condo together and it's going good. Our parents know and they are okay with it. Well talk to you later the ceremony it's about to start.

(Kenneth POV)
Well tonight is the last day pic college and we are graduating. I am getting into the music business tonight now I am just a producer. I right songs for allot of artists and it's fun. Me and Nicole are good now she gets out a little bit more. We have a house together. Also we told Our parents about the baby and how we lost it. The family comforted her and was right there with her. Nicole is going to be a dancer after she graduates and I am so happy for her. I just can't wait until I make her my wife and have another child because I love her. Until them I have to go the ceremony is about to start.

Toni and Keri condo

Toni: hey mommy and girls*hugging them*

Momma E&girls: hey Toni

Mikey: so where is Keri at

Toni: he is upstairs getting ready for the graduation

Momma E: my baby graduating already it felt like yesterday you was just crawling

Toni: I know right but mommy where is daddy

Towanda: daddy had to work Toni you know that

Toni: well I thought that he would be here for my graduation

Toni: any who changing the subject

Tamar: girl what you wearing for tonight

Girls: yeah Toni what you wearing

Toni: you will have to wait and see

Momma E: let's go so everyone can get ready

Girls&Mikey: okay see you later Toni

Toni: see you later

Later that evening

Keri: wow Toni you look amazing
Mommy&girls&mikey: yes you look beautiful

Toni: thank y'all

Keri: I guess we all need to be heading out

Traci: I thought it start at 8 o'clock

Toni: it does just the graduates have to go early so we can get out cap and gown

Trina: oh girl I can t wait to see you get you diploma

Toni: yeah me too but see you guys there*leaving*

At the ceremony

Speaker: tonight we all do e together to graduate our senior class this year.

Everbody: applaud

Speaker: I just want to tell every graduate that no matter what you do you always believe in yourself. You always strive to do great and from what I seen these four semesters was hardworking students who strive to graduate college. Take this little message along with you that no matter what life may bring you all the obstacles that you are going to face don't give up on yourself. Don't think that you can't do it because you can if you couldn't do anything you wouldn't even be sitting right here right now waiting for a diploma. And with that said let's get this show on the road.

Everyone: applauds

Speaker 2: now right now I just want to say to every graduate that you should always follow your dreams and one day your dreams will come true. Dont sit around waiting for an opportunity to come your way you have to go out there and strive for it you have to do all the hard work yourself can't no one else do it for you because they are not the ones that want the opportunity that you want. Now everyone let's start giving these graduates what they came here for.

Keri: about time I've been waiting

Speaker 2: we know Keri just wait

Speaker 3: we would like all the teachers that put on their captain hats to lead the way to success to come to the stage. After that I will call the students up to get their diploma and move on with a degree of all sorts.

Speaker 1: okay first up
Jamone harvey
Jalen froster
Brittney mills
Janet Jackson
Sidney Jenkins
Devon Sanders
Cali walker
Toni Braxton

Keri: way to go baby

Everyone: laughs& says awe

Speaker: Keri we love that you support her but keep calm now it's almost over

Speaker 1: now back to it

Nicole Patenburg
Marcus love
Adrian kelps
Kenneth Edmonds
Demarion Washington
Collin Hardwick
And last but not least the most energetic one Keri Lewis

Speaker 2: I'm not going to keep you all long just want to say that congrats to the graduates and I hope that you have a successful life. see you all when we see you bye and enjoy your night.

At the restaurant

Momma E: Toni baby you did it you graduated

Toni: yes I am so happy right now

Tamar: girl you and Keri did it together y'all graduated

Keri: I'm so happy right now I didn't know that I would be still with the love of my life after college.

Toni: well believe it because you are all I want no one else.

So everyone ate and had a good time but Toni looked a little sad because she missed her dad being there to see her graduate. She then wondered if he will be there on the future to walk her down the asle.

(Kenneth POV)
So after the graduation me and Nicole and our families went out to eat it was now time to tell Nicole that I am going to be with her forever and I am going to propose to her I already got permission from her father to. I just can't wait to spend my life with her.

Nicole: so everyone me and kenny have something to tell you all

Everyone: what is it

Nicole: well everyone I was *looks at Kenny*

Kenneth: well everyone Nicole was pregnant but we lost the baby due to a lot of stress on her and on us .

Everyone: whattttt.... We are her to support you guys

Kenneth: I also wanted to ask you something Nicole.

Nicole: what is it.

Kenneth: okay here it goes
Nicole I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you soo much and I cannot picture anyone else except you and only you. You are casting my child and I wouldn't want her coming into this world without both of hey parents together. Soo what I am trying yup say is Nicole*gets on one knee* will you give me the honor of becoming my wife?

Nicole: *crying* Omg gosh Kenny yes I will marry you I love you so much*she say kissing&hugging him*

Everyone: congratulations to you both

Nicole : Kenny I have a question

Kenneth:what is it babe

Nicole: why me though I love you i just want to know like out of all the girls that hit on you you want to be with me

Kenneth: well when I first met you I knew that it was something about you that I loved and I knew that I couldn't spend the rest of my life with out you in it

Everyone ate dinner and laughed and talked about their future after that everyone went home and enjoyed themselves.

What Will happen next will Toni and Keri end up having kids and getting married?

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