Not This Again

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I am going to skip to where Toni is five months pregnant

(Toni POV)
I am now five months pregnant and I am eating any and everything me and Keri are still separated because he doesn't show that he wants to work this out but I will give it one more month and I am filing for a divorce. I am in the studio working on music but just the writing part we already have twelve songs done. Me and kenny are great friends and we talk almost everyday I met his family and he met mine. I know it might sound awkward  but  hey we are basically like brother and sister. He also met Keri and they are cool. Finally my baby denim he is just so sweet and funny. He also will be starting school when it starts back up and that's when he will be five years old. I don't want my baby to leave me but they have to grow up one day. Let me get back to getting ready to go to my doctor appointment and Tamar is coming with me today since she was at my house but bye.

At Doctors Office

Lady: hi how may I help you today

Toni: I have a doctor appointment with Dr. Jackie

Lady: okay just sign there and she will be out in just a minute

Toni: okay thank you

Tamar: girl why Keri didnt come with us

Toni: I dont know and I don't care

Tamar: what's going on with y'all two

Toni: it's just he doesn't want this marriage to work because he hasn't proven to me that he wants me back

Tamar: so what are you considering doing

Toni: I might just get a divorce

Tamar: before the baby

Toni: yes but he can be there for the kids just we are over

Five minutes past

Dr. Jackie: Toni I am ready to see you

Toni: okay here I come*getting up* let's go Tamar

Tamar: right behind you

In the room

Dr. Jackie: so Toni you came to find out the gender of your baby

Toni: yes I am

Tamar: I hope its a girl

Toni: right but we shall see

Dr. Jackie: okay the gel is going to be cold*putting the gel on Toni's stomach*

Toni: God damnit that is cold

Dr. Jackie: so it looks like your having a boy

Toni: *smiling & teary eyed* wow another baby boy that is going to be great

Tamar: another nephew in the family yess

Dr. Jackie: congrats and I will see you in two months for your check up

Toni: okay thank you

Dr. Jackie: your welcome

Toni and Tamar then leaves and goes to get something to eat and as they are Toni sees Keri with another girl.

Tamar: Toni I know you see him over there

Toni: I see him Tamar just know that after this I am going to get the divorce papers

Tamar: I'm sure he is going to wish that he can work things out once you get them papers

Toni: but I am not going to work things out with him once this baby come he can help but if he doesn't then that's on him because he will be paying child support

Toni and Tamar then sees Keri and the girl kissing. So Toni goes over there and confront him along with Tamar.

At Keri's table

Toni:*teary eyed* so you're cheating on me again Keri

Keri: it's not what it look like

Toni: so I didn't just see you kiss her

Keri: Toni I'm sorry

Toni: *crying*you said that the first two times and I forgave so there is no way I will be forgiving you this time

Keri: Toni please

Toni: *crying* no I am not taking you back and I want a divorce also since you couldn't come with me to my check up cause your cheating obviously you are having a boy and I hope my boys don't end up like you I'm done*leaving out the restaurant*

Tamar: Keri you should be ashamed because you was with this trick instead of with your wife to find out the gender of your baby.... You hurt Toni too many times and you expect for her to forgive you but you had your chance to make it right and you just blew it away and for you hoe you should be ashamed because you are with a married man .... Like y'all are just disgusting *leaves*

Once they left the restaurant Toni went to get the divorce papers and went home

At Toni house

Toni: Tamar can you help me get my clothes and things while I get Denims things

Tamar: okay Toni

Toni and Tamar got all of Toni's and Denims things and left before Keri could get back she signed the divorce papers and left then on the table for Keri to sign

One week later

(Toni POV)
I no longer live in the house with Keri. I found a three bedroom house for now. My divorce is being finalized before we can move forward with it. My family doesn't know but only Tamar does. I took some time from the studio but I am going back next week maybe to record some songs or just verses and that's it. Kenny and I are becoming very close. I have to say that I am starting to like him again even though he is like my brother. He always flirts with me and things and I do the same sometimes. I just want a new relationship where I am respected and that is real. I want someone who I can love and they can love me and my kids. Speaking of kids Denim knows why we moved and he is okay. My pregnancy is a mess I am hungry all the time. I am having mood swings and more but hey that is what it should consist of right. Well see you later.

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Will Toni find her true lover or is she just going to continue liking Kenny.

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