It's Been a While

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Next Day Saturday

(Kenneth POV)
So today me and Nicole are in Baltimore to just relax and enjoy one another. Nicole unfortunately lost the baby due to her doing a lot and being stressed out. I am sad about it but I have to stay strong and be there for her. She doesn't like to go out any more on a regular bases. She also don't want to tell her family about it anymore. I agreed with her and took her on a trip to Baltimore so she can clear her head. As we were on the beach I seen Toni the girl I met one day on campus with some other girls who looked younger than her. I just acted like I didn't see her and enjoy Nicole.

(Toni POV)
So today me and the Girls decided that we would go to the beach. When we got there we put our chairs and umbrellas down and went for a little swim. As we got done I went to sit down and I seen that Kenneth was here also with his girlfriend. I don't pay him no mind. Any who me and the Girls are about to play volleyball.

Tamar: Toni I want you on my team

Toni: okay tayme

Towanda: okay how about this three on three

Traci: how is that going to work girl that don't make no damn sense

Towanda: we can get another person to play with us

Toni: you go do that and I will go get something to drink

At the bar

Bartender: hi what would you like today

Toni: hi I would like a coke that's all

Bartender: coming right up

As I was waiting on my drink I noticed that Kenneth was on his way over here. I just hope he doesn't say anything to me because I haven't seen him or talked to him in a month and I would like for it to stay that way.

Bartender: here you go ma'am

Toni: thank you *she looks at Kenneth them back her drink*

Kenneth: hi excuse me could I have two sprite sodas?

Bartender: sure no problem

Kenneth: thanks*looks at Toni*

Kenneth: it's been a long time
*looking at Toni*

Toni:*looks up from drink* I can see

Kenneth: okay a little sassy I see

Toni: what you want?

Kenneth: nothing I can't talk to a long lost friend

Toni: so we friends? *laughing* you're funny

Kenneth: oh so you don't want to be my friend now because I surly want to be yours

Toni: don't you need to be getting back to your girlfriend

Kenneth: yeah but I just came to get something to drink.

Toni: oh okay then

Toni: well I have to go back to my sister's *getting up*

Kenneth: oh they are your sister's wow they all look pretty but you are beautiful*flirting*

Toni:*blushing* if I were you I would stop trying to flirt with me because you wouldn't want all this and you surly wouldn't want your girlfriend to go off on you *walking away*

(Kenneth POV)
Damon she so sexy and I see she is trying to play hard to get. Its okay though because in the future if it don't work out with me and Nicole I'm going to get her to be mine.

So me and the Girls were playing volleyball and I could feel someone staring at me I turn around and it's Kenneth. I swear he is trying his best but its not going to happen I am just going to keep my distance and leave him alone.

Tamar: damnn girl he staring his life away at you what you do to him?

Girls: *laughing at what Tamar said*

Toni: I didnt do anything he is just trying to get with me but I said no and I am you going to keep my distance from him

Traci: girl why he soo sexy make me want to faint

Toni: well girl ain't nobody going to get him because he has a girlfriend

Trina: girl of he was single I would be over right now

Toni: hahaha*sarcastically* very funny but his girlfriend is actually here so I wouldn't even look at him and she is right there sitting in that chair. *she say pointing to the girl*

Trina: oh my bad but Any who it is hot out here and I want to go home

Girls: yess me too let's go

(Toni POV)

As I was walking I could still feel him staring at me. We walked pass the bar and he just looked at me I told him...

Toni: you know if you keep staring your eyes are going to be stuck like that

Kenneth: no they not I'm just admiring the view

Toni: well your girlfriend is on her way over here so you can admire her*walking to the car*

(Nicole POV)
I was waiting on Kenny to bring back something to drink and it's been over 3 minutes. So I looked back at him to see what was taking so long when I seen him talking to that girl that we go to college with. I just turned around because it didn't look like she was interested in talking to him. I waited about another 10 minutes then I got up and as I was walking she was telling him something then he looked at me. I said...

Nicole: Kenny really

Kenneth: what... What you talking about

Nicole: why you have to flirt and stare at her.

Kenneth: I wasn't flirting with her

Nicole: I seen it in your eyes and you know you damn sho was staring at her hard as fuck

Kenneth: okay fine yes but I dont want her I want you and only you.

Kenny was lying like he'll he did want Toni but he didnt want Nicole to know because she would go off on him bad

Nicole: okay let's get out of here before I turn another shade color that I am not supposed to be

Kenneth: okay babe I love you*wrapping his arms around her*

Nicole: I love you too babe*walking away*

Do you think that Kenny is trying to hard to get Toni when he has Nicole already?

Reunited: ToniFaceWhere stories live. Discover now