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(Toni pov)

Yesterday when I met up with Kenny I felt like I wanted to kiss him. I am now developing feelings towards him. I just don't know what to do. Kenny wants to be with me but I don't feel like getting hurt again. One day I will give Kenny a shot just not right now. Today I am going to my mommy house since I haven't been there in a long time. So I am going to get ready then Deizel since Denim is at school. See ya later😁

Braxton house

Toni went to knock on the door but it was already open so she just walked in. Once she f go got in she went and saw everyone here for Wyatt reason she didn't know

Toni: hey family

Everyone: hey Toni

Tamar: Toni you in a good mood what you do

Toni: i didn't do anything

Trina: then why you happy

Toni: I can't be happy today

Traci: you can but this happy on you is different

Toni: any who... Why it's everyone here

Momma E: well I wanted to tell you guys something

Girls:what is it

Momma E: well me and your father are getting a divorce

Girls: why

Momma E: well he had been cheating on me for nine years straight and I didn't know it

Tamar:wait so where is he now

Momma E:I told him to-....

Michael Sr.: nothing she didn't tell me nothing

Toni:dad why would you do that

Michael Sr.: well if she would get off my back then I would have never did that but now I don't care I am moving on with my life either y'all going to be in it or not I don't care

Towanda:really sad that's how you are going to treat your kids the best thing to do is to work it out but it seems like that's not going to happen but how are we supposed to know that you are okay and that you still love us if you don't want us in your life man that's just foul

Toni:right what are we supposed to say to our kids when they ask where their grandad at what am I supposed to say because I have two that knows you and see you and then what about marriage how are we going to walk done the aisle with our father when he doesn't want us in his life or not. How are we going to come to you when someone is doing is wrong how are we supposed to just go on with our life without our father..... You know what I don't even care since you don't want us in your life then so be it

Tamar: I am still in college my dad leaving  how am I especially since I'm still young supposed to tell you how i am doing like always it's like you don't care that we are your kids you made us so why not keep in touch with us even if you don't want to see us we are still your kids and we deserve to have a father that cares so much about us that he wants us in his life ... You know what I'm leaving*gets up and leave*

Momma E: Braxton you know good well these kids need you and you do that to them just because we're getting a divorce because of what you did you have lost your mind these kids need their father to protect them from bad things even though they can do it themselves but they carry your blood and you do this after everything you know what get out my house NOW!!

Michael then got up to leave he didn't care about everything they were saying because he wasn't really listening but he did get all his stuff and left out without looking back.

Reunited: ToniFaceWhere stories live. Discover now