One Year Later

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(Toni POV)

So it has been a year I am doing great. I had my baby boy he is finna turn one soon. Denim is in the first grade and he loves it. Keri sees the kids every Friday and he have them until Sunday. I am single and not ready to mingle anytime soon. My family is great Tamar has moves out here to L.A. the rest of my family is still in ATL. Kenny and I are now just friends and we don't talk on a personal level no more because his wife found out about the kiss. I really don't care I still have a crush on Kenny and he kind of know it because of the hints that has been going around. We now are finishing up my first album. Right now I am getting denim ready for school so bye.

In denim room

Toni: Denim get up baby it's time for school*shakes him lightly*

Denim: *wakes up*mommy I don't want to go

Toni: why don't you want to go

Denim: I want to spend time with you cause I never spend time with you anymore

Toni: how about this if you go to school after school we can go to the movies and out to eat

Denim: yess I love you mommy

Toni: I love you too now get up and get ready*leaves out*

Denim: okay

At denim school

Toni: okay see you later denim and be good

Denim: okay mommy I love you*opens door*

Toni: I love you too and I will be back later

Denim: okay bye

Toni: bye

At LaFace Records

Receptionist: good morning Toni how are you

Toni: good morning I'm good and you

Receptionist: I'm good... Kenny is waiting on you

Toni: okay thanks*walks to the studio*

Toni: hey Kenny*sits in chair*

Kenny: hey Tone how are you

Toni: I'm good and you

Kenny: that's good

Toni: how are you

Kenny: I'm okay just going through things At home

Toni: oh okay... Are we going to finish the song

Kenny: yeah just go in booth and tell me when to start

Toni: okay*walks in booth*.... Start it

If I never feel you in my arms again

If I never feel your tender kiss again

If I never hear I love you now and then

Will I never make love to you once again, please understand

If your love it

That I promise you I promise you that that I shall never breath again

Breath again breath again that I shall never breath again, breath again


And I can't stop thinkin about about the way things used to be

And I can't stop thinkin about about the love that you made to me

Reunited: ToniFaceWhere stories live. Discover now