Got Caught

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The next day

(Kenny POV)

So I guess today I am going to stay at home since I don't have any thing to do at the studio today. I guess I am going to spend time with my girls. I want to spend time with my boys also but I don't know how to tell Nicole that I have other kids. Since we been together I haven't told her yet. But I will call Tracey to see if I can spend time with them again and so they can meet their new sister. I hope Nicole doesn't get mad at me. I will tell her sometime today.

At Kenneth house

Kenneth: babe can I talk to you real quick it's important.

Nicole: yea babe what's going on

Kenneth: look I don't want you to get mad at me for what I am about to tell you.

Nicole: okay

Kenneth: okay look I have two other kids

Nicole: how could you do that I thought you loved me but I stead you cheat on me how dare you

Kenneth: before you jump to conclusions I didn't cheat on you I had them before we were together

Nicole: then why don't you tell me that you had kids I would've understood that you had to take care of your responsibility.

Kenneth: look I didn't know how to tell you because I thought you would break up with me and I love you so much.

Nicole: I love you too I just thought that it would be just us as a family but now since you have more kids we can all be a family. *kisses him*

Kenneth: *kisses back*

(Toni POV)

I am at home with Denim and we were watching tv in my room. I then heard the door close downstairs and I told Denim that his dad was here. He was excited to see him so he ran downstairs to him and this is what happen

Denim: hey dad *hugs him*

Keri: hey lil guy *hugs back*

Denim: dad are you off of work or are you just getting lunch

Keri: I am off of work son what do you want to do

Denim: can we go make mommy feel better because she not feeling good

Keri: yes of course let's go*goes upstairs and see Toni*

Keri: hey are you okay

Toni: .....

Keri: so you not talking to me

Toni: .....

Keri: what's wrong with you... You know what don't answer that just keep being stubborn*walks in bathroom and get in shower*

(Toni POV)

So I wasn't talking to him because he is gonna act like we didn't have an argument and that argument hurt me. While I was watching tv with Denim Keri phone began to ring so I answered it.

Toni: hello

Tracey: who is this

Toni: this is Keri wife and why are you calling my husband

Tracey: he is not your husband anymore because he is marrying me

Toni: you know what I don't give a damn*hang up*

Keri: *comes out shower*
Who was you talking to

Toni: you're fiance Keri that's who I was talking to*starting to cry*

Reunited: ToniFaceWhere stories live. Discover now