family fun day

453 21 21

(Toni POV)

So it's been two week since I went to the studio to sing for L.A Reid. I really hope that I get the record deal but then again I don't have any management. Me and Keri are seperated Denim is missing Keri so much I just don't know what to tell a four year old that his mommy and daddy are not together. I am currently at my mom's house and I got a call from Keri ass I don't know what he want but I am going to answer.

On the phone

Toni: hello Keri

Keri: hey babe

Toni: my name is Toni not babe and what do you want

Keri: no it's babe and I want to see if we can work things out I miss you and I miss Denim

Toni: no we cannot work things out because you cheated on me after you said you wasn't and on top of that while I'm pregnant with your child

Keri: I know that I just want to have my family back and I want to be with you throughout the pregnancy if it's okay. I know you don't want to be with me but I just want to be there for Denim and for when the baby come

Toni: Keri you just thought about yourself when you cheated you didn't think about me Denim or this baby that you created inside of me. Like why did you cheat on me in the first place I knew we weren't on good terms most of the time but we could've worked on it

Keri: I know and I cheated because every time I would come home from work you would just get on me about not always being there when I was trying to make money to provide for us since you wanted to stay at home until denim was old enough to go school.

Toni: I just wanted to take care of him and I didn't want anything bad to happen because we were first parents and I wanted to be there 100% for him

Keri: I just felt like you have up on us to take care of him we never go out on family outings because I work alot and when I don't work and want to go out you would say no

Toni: I know that Keri I just don't want to feel like a bad parent is I left him and not spend time with him and you on the other hand you wouldn't even spend time with him. Tell when you would come home in the moon did you go over to that girl house

Keri: yes I would go over there but only because you wouldn't pay me any attention when we were together it was always about Denim we couldn't even just talk about us with out it being about Denim

Toni: Keri that's because ... You know what forget it because we are done you can be there for the birth of the baby but that's it

Keri: that all I wanted and can I spend time with Denim today

Toni: sure he is your son actually he wants to talk to you

Keri: okay hand him the phone

Toni: * hands denim the phone*

Denim: hey daddy

Keri: hey Denim how are you doing

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