What The Hell!!!

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Forward to Friday

(Toni POV)
Today is the party for the release of my album. I am excited but I am nervous because I haven't talked to Kenny and he will be there. I just have a feeling that at the end it will not go right because I plan on telling everyone after it ends. The kids are with the nanny. Right now I am getting dress since it is six and my party start at 7:30 so 👋.

(Kenny POV)
It's been a long time since having one of these. I am excited because Toni is releasing her first album and I am the host so I will be there introducing every thing. My "wife" is coming so I hope it doesn't go wrong with them. It will feel awkward being that I haven't talked to Toni since Monday. Right now I am getting ready so I have to go.

At the party

(Toni POV)
I just got here with Tamar my whole family is here. I seen Kenny and his "wife". I am just going to avoid them or at least just her. I am having fun until...

Keri: hey Toni

Toni: hey what are you doing here

Keri: I came to say congrats but I don't be staying just came by since I heard about it. And again congrats you deserve it.

Toni: thank you Keri

Keri: you're welcome I'm finna go but can I get a hug

Toni: okay and yea sure*gives hug* bye

Keri: bye

At the bar

Towanda: Toni was that Keri you was talking to

Toni: yes that was him

Traci: what he said

Toni: what he say Traci not what he said... You need to stop drinking so much

Traci: girl I ain't drink that much I only had four shots

Toni: but you didn't drink that much

Tamar: what did he say

Toni: he just came to congratulate me on the album but he couldn't stay long

TrinA: that better be all since he cheated on you he getting back together with you why can't you just cut him out yo life

Toni: Trina frfr stop drinking.... Did you forget that your nephews are his kids

Trina: oh my bad

Toni: damn right yo bad but let go talk to the fans and people who came to support me

On stage

Toni:*gets mic* hey everybody

Everyone: hey Toni

Toni: I just want to say thank you all for coming out to my first album release party I appreciate it so much.

Everyone: you welcome Toni

Tamar: you welcome girl

Toni:*chuckles* I wanted to say thank you for my family over there *points to the bar* for caring and supporting throughout everything. I want to thank god for even having me on this earth to do what I do best and that is sing. Last but not least I want to thank L.A Reid and Baby face for signing me and believing in me. Thank you all so much And I would also l me to sing A song from the album the rest you can go buy and listen to them.

Kenny: not so fast Toni... Don't sing just yet because we have a surprise for you

Toni: what is it

Kenny: well you're song "You're Making Me High" went platinum and we wanted to give you this*gives her an award* this is for your addictive and sexy song that you sang your heart out for and gave it one hundred percent. So there you go

Reunited: ToniFaceWhere stories live. Discover now