Reunited: part 1

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(Toni POV)
Today I have to go back to LaFace Records to do this audition for L.A Reid again along with some one else that he wouldn't tell who but he just said that it was his partner that is the face of LaFace. Well I have to get going see you later I hope I get signed.

At LaFace Records

Toni: hi I am here for L.A Reid

Receptionist: oh yeah he is expecting you just go down the hall and to your right is the studio

Toni: okay thanks

In the studio

Toni: hi Mr. Reid

L.A: hi Toni how are you today

Toni: I am nervous and excited

L.A: no need to be nervous just sing your heart out

Toni: okay

L.A: so do you play any instruments

Toni: I play the piano

L.A: oh wow do you mind playing and singing right now for me

Toni: sure*goes to piano*

Toni began to play the piano while singing the Lord's prayer. She was in the middle when L.A got up and greeted someone who came in the studio. Toni was doing great.

(Kenny POV)

So today I have to go to the studio because L.A wanted me to here this girl sing I mean I am up to it because then we would have someone on our label if she is good. So I am walking down the hall and I here the piano playing and someone singing they sounded great. I then walked in and greeted L.A and I guess it was the artist he wanted me to hear.

Toni then stopped playing the piano once she got done singing she didn't know that someone else was in the studio though.

L.A: wow that was great how about you come out to meet my partner

Toni: okay *walks out*

L.A: so Toni this is my partner Babyface , Babyface this is Toni the artist I was telling you about

Kenny: nice to meet you you have a wonderful voice*holds out hand*

Toni: thank you *shakes his hand*

Toni: you know Babyface you look very familiar

Kenny: well of course I am a singer and you probably seen me in tv

Toni: no not that I like... You know what I remember we went to college together

Kenny: wait hold up Toni as in Toni Braxton

Toni: yes. Wow long time no see

L.A: so you know each other

Toni: well we don't know each other like that but we talked twice during our college days

L.A: wow so this can be the start of your career since you know each other I will be back

Kenny: alright... Wow Toni how have you been

Toni: I've been good after graduation I went home for a while then I became a teacher

Kenny: so now you want to sing
.. And by the way you have an amazing voice

Toni: yes and thank you... I just want to follow my dreams and my dream is to become a singer

Kenny: that's great and you will be come a singer

By then they were done taking when L.A came back in with papers in his hand.

L.A: so Toni we already decided as you were singing that we wanted you on our label

Toni: omg I'm Sooo happy thank you so much

Kenny: only thing you have to do is sign the record deal and we can get down to business

Toni: okay *signs the paper*

L.A: well Toni you are set to go you will have to come back next week to start writing and things

Toni: okay .... But wait remember when I said that I had to tell you something

L.A: yes what is it

Toni: I hope it don't affect this but I am four weeks pregnant

Kenny: it's okay we are just going to talk and write songs to using have to worry because we got you

Toni: okay well thank you soo much for this

Kenny&L.A: your welcome

Toni then started to walk out the door until Kenny stopped her

Kenny: Toni wait... Can I have your number so we can catch up

Toni: sure*gives number*

Kenny: so tomorrow you think we can meet up and talk

Toni: yeah I don't have anything to do

Kenny: see you tomorrow*hugs her*

Toni: okay bye *hugs back*

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Reunited: ToniFaceWhere stories live. Discover now