Welcome Home

313 22 4

(Kenny POV)
Today is the day that Toni and my baby girl comes home. I just can't keep my eyes off of my baby she is so beautiful. Right now we are going to the car to go home.

Toni: babe im sitting in the back okay

Kenny: okay

The ride home was quiet other then the music being played

At home

Toni: ken get the car seat I got the bags

Ken: babe just get the things and let me worry about the baby go in the house

Toni: fine

In the house

Momma E: hey baby so glad to be home your kids are a handful

Toni: what they were doing mommy

Momma E: they were fighting and throwing things but where the baby

Kenny: right here

Toni: boys come here

Boys: yes mommy

Toni: have you two been bad while I was gone

Denim: no

Toni: are you lying to me

Denim: ..... Yes

Toni: why were you not listening to grandma

Denim: we were just playing and stuff mommy

Toni: does that give you the right to not listen to an adult

Denim: no it doesn't

Toni: alright then I don't want this happening again okay

Denim: okay *teary eyed*

Toni: don't cry you just have to listen next time now both of you give me a hug

Boys: *hugs Toni*

Toni: *hugs back* now let's go see your sister

Denim: can I hold her

Kenny: yeah just go wash your hands first

Momma E: what happen back there

Toni: oh nothing just talked to them but more to Denim

Momma E: they had this house a mess but hey that's toddlers

Toni: yeah

Denim: I'm back

Kenny: okay sit down *give a him the baby*

Denim:*holding her* hi baby sister


Toni: hey what's wrong

Deizel: *points to Kennedy*

Toni: you want to see her

Deizel: *nods*

Toni:*picks him up* there she go say hi sister

Deizel: hi sisdter

Dylan&Brandon: dad we're here

Kenny: in the living room

They come in

Brandon:  she looks just like you dad

Kenny: I know

Toni: don't get cocky now just wait she will be looking like me

Kenny: yea yea

Tamar: toni girl we here

Toni: living room

Traci: the squad here now

Toni: really Traci

Traci: what

Toni: nothing

Towanda: let me hold the baby... My precious niece

Tamar: she gone have all the boys

Trina: where Peyton

Kenny: at my mom's house they should be on their way

Peyton: daddy I'm home

Kenny: *chuckles* this girl we in the living room

Peyton: hello everyone... My sister

Toni: Peyton where our hugs at

Peyton: sorry*hugs them*

Tamar: Peyton is my mini me

Toni: believe me we know

Dylan: dad *whisper* when is Toni going to be our step mom for good

Kenny: I don't know

Dylan: Toni would you like to get married to my dad

Toni: umm sure I guess would you like if we were married

Dylan: yeah

Toni: okay then

Tamar: so y'all going to get married one day

Toni&Kenny: one day

Traci: well damn just a question

Toni: and we answered the question

Everyone stayed over until after dinner and things and everyone were in their rooms the kids were sleep except for Kennedy who was up with Toni and Kenny

Toni: hey baby

Kenny: it's just amazing how we made her and now there is no drama in the way of our happiness

Toni: yeah. Agree

Kennedy then went to sleep then Toni and Kenny we t to sleep

Sorry for the long wait I just couldn't find any ideas for this chapter but there is one more chapter left then the sequel

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