Trouble finna start

415 21 14

The next day
(Toni POV)
Today is the day I go back to the studio to finish the song and to tell Kenny about his wife but I'm going to ease my way into that Right now I am on my way there after taking Denim to school today I have my baby deizel with me I love my baby so much. Right now I am going into the studio So bye

Receptionist: nice to see you again Toni and is this Mr. Handsome

Toni: you too and yes this is him

Receptionist: he is so cute

Toni: Kenny here yet

Receptionist: yes he is in his office

Toni: okay thanks*walks to office* knock knock

Kenny: come on Toni

Toni: hey you why you look upset

Kenny: its stuff going on at home

Toni: let's talk what's going on

Kenny:*takes a deep breath*....well yesterday Nicole came in around one sumthin in the morning...

Toni: where was she

Kenny: I don't know I asked her but she said she was at her friend house.

Toni: do you believe her

Kenny: apart of me want to

Toni: and the other part don't

Kenny: no... Its been hectic like this since two weeks ago

Toni: wow... Um I have some news to tell you you don't have to believe me

Kenny: what is it about and who is it about

Toni: it's about Nicole

Kenny: what about her Toni what did you do

Toni: why would I do something to her when I don't like her

Kenny: Toni I'm not playing tell me what's going on with her

Toni: okay yesterday I was out with my sister and the boys and I seen Keri with Nicole

Kenny: Toni stop lying you're lying right

Toni: you know what I should have never told you

Kenny: damn right

Toni: look I'm trying to tell you what I seen but hey you don't believe me just ask her I can also ask Tamar and Denim since I'm lying im just trying to be a friend to you but you don't care you can stay with a cheater for all I care right now I am going to go because I'm trying not to be pissed at you so bye *gets up and leave with Deizel*

Kenny: Toni wait... I'm sorry

Toni: well you should be I know what i saw with my own eyes but hey it's not a big deal that a married woman is messing around with another man

Kenny: look I believe you it was just I didn't expect that of her

Toni: it's fine but are you ready to finish this song

Kenny: yeah let's go*goes to the studio*

Toni: hey Kenny I don't be seeing L.A anymore what's going on

Kenny: oh he is on bed rest because he is sick badly so he hasn't been feeling good

Toni: oh okay... Now let's get this track finished*goes into the booth* you can start it

And I can't stop thinking about about the way my life would be

No I can't stop thinking about how could you love me then leave

Reunited: ToniFaceWhere stories live. Discover now