One Year Later

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(Toni POV)
So it's been a year now and me and Keri are doing okay. We are not always on the best of terms because he doesnt pay me attention like that but he is going to be my manager still. I have a beautiful child his name is Denim Cole Lewis he is now four years old (his birthday passed already). He is the sweetest child ever. I am still on my way into the music business. One night I sang a song at this club and people were amazed at my voice and then a producer or some one came up to me his name was L.A Reid and he gave me his card. I am kind of considering calling him. But any who my husband just came in talk to you later.

(Kenneth POV)
So it's been a year now and Me and Nicole are still together surprisingly some days are not the best between us though. Any who I got a call from L.A Reid saying he might have just found a artist that he would like to sign but he wants me to here her. I can't wait to what she sound like. I have to go to the studio so see ya later.

Toni & Keri home

Keri: hey babe*hug&kiss her*

Toni: hey you, you're here early I thought you wouldn't be back until tonight

Keri: I know but I got off early because I want to spend time with you and lil man

Toni: oh okay so you remember L.A Reid right

Keri: yes I do what's up

Toni: I'm thinking about calling him and going to his studio and performing for him.

Keri: okay babe when ever you're ready just tell me and I have some exciting news for you

Toni: what is it*walking to the living room*

Keri: well you know my group mint condition

Toni: please just get straight to the point because I don't feel good

Keri: okay well we got a record deal and what's wrong with you do you want me to take you to the doctor

Toni: that's great babe and no it's not serious I just need rest o- *runs to the bathroom to throw up*

Keri: *goes to the bathroom* Toni are you sure you don't want to go to the doctor

Toni: can you take me because this has been happening for the past week and I don't know what's going on

Keri: let's go *helping her up and walking to the car*

At the hospital

Dr Jackie: hi Toni Braxton what brings you in today

Toni: well Dr Jackie I have been throwing up for a week and I am tired everyday

Dr Jackie: okay well let me get some blood from your arm so I can run some tests to see what's going on

Toni: okay

30 minutes later

Dr. Jackie: well Toni it seems like you are pregnant congratulations

Keri: what I am going to be a father again I'm so happy *kissing Toni*

Toni: wow I can't believe it *smiling* how many weeks am I

Dr Jackie: you are two weeks pregnant

Toni: wow Okay thank you

Dr Jackie: no problem and your next check up will be two weeks from now have a nice day

Back at home

Keri: Toni what should we do to celebrate because I want to

Toni: well what do you have in mind because I know what i want to do but you can't hurt the baby*smiling*

Reunited: ToniFaceWhere stories live. Discover now