Reunited: part 2

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The next day

(Toni POV)

So today I am going to tell Keri that I am signed to LaFace Records. I don't know how he will take it when I tell him I don't want him to be my manager. I really am nervous but right now I am watching denim play outside. As I was outside I got a text message from Kenny asking if we can have lunch to catch up more and I said yes. Right now I am going to go talk to Keri.

In the guest room

Toni:hey Keri

Keri:hey wassup

Toni: I came to talk to you about my management

Keri: okay what is it

Toni: umm I was thinking like I didn't want you to be my manager because I thought it would be too much to handle

Keri: well did you get signed yet

Toni: yeah I went yesterday and you won't believe who I seen there

Keri: who

Toni: you remember Kenneth from college

Keri: yeah you seen him

Toni: actually I am signed to his label LaFace Records that he founded with his friend L.A Reid

Keri: hold you said L.A Reid I know him he is the president of epic records

Toni: I thought you knew him but yeah that's what I came to tell you but I'm finna head out I'll be back later

Keri: oh okay where you going

Toni: to lunch with Kenny so we can catch up You since we are going to be working together

Keri: okay have fun

Toni: Will do

At the restaurant

(Kenny POV)

When I seen Toni walk in the restaurant I thought She is the most beautiful woman ever. She could've been mine but we are both in relationships. One day she Will be mine just one day. Right she it's coming puffer here so bye.

Toni: hi Kenny *hugs him*

Kenny: hey Toni *hugs back*

Toni: how are you today

Kenny: I'm doing okay just stressed

Toni: why what's going on

Kenny: Nicole she is always on me today she was like where you going I was like to meet up with a friend then she said am I cheating on her like why would I do that when we been together for years... Like she just know how to get on my nerves

Toni: mine too.... But you didn't tell me you were married

Kenny: *laughs* really... And yeah I am for like 2 or 3 years

Toni: wow you don't know how long you been married that's something but yeah in college like I didn't like her at all.... I have a confession to make

Kenny: well hey I tend to forget things when I am sitting in front of a beautiful lady and I have a confession also

Toni: why thank you and okay you first

Kenny: did you know that I had a crush on you in college

Toni: oh yeah I knew that because when we were at the beach you were just flirting away with me

Kenny: I still do like you though

Toni: wow um okay but I'm married...any who I felt the same way in college also

Reunited: ToniFaceWhere stories live. Discover now