Shocking News

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Two weeks later
(Toni POV)
Two weeks ago me and Kenny had sex and I can't lie it was the best but I have been keeping my distance from him. He call me but I don't answer. Since my album is finished thirty just put the finishing touches on it. My release party outs Friday and i am so happy. my family it's coming too I haven't seen then on a while.

At Toni house

???: *knock knock*

Toni:*comes downstairs* who is it


Toni: *opens door* Kenny what are you doing here

Kenny: I miss you tone you haven't talk to me I'm weeks and I want to know that you're okay

Toni: well I'm fine bye* close the door*

Kenny: I love you Toni I am in love with you

Toni: *opens door* what did you just say

Kenny: I said I am in love with you and I love you

Toni: you can't be because you're married and I am single

Kenny: we are getting a divorce because she cheated on me remember

Toni: wow and you cheated on her so what difference does it make

Kenny: Toni please I want to be with you

Toni: no Ken you don't work on your marriage the only thing we will have to discuss is music I can't deal with this right now by Kenny*closes door*

Kenny: man what the fuck

Next Day at Tamar

Tamar: Toni why did you turn it down you know you love him too

Toni: yes I love him but he needs to work on his relationship he messed up and she messed up but I don't want his relationship to go to waste because of what we did

Tamar: Toni I do t give a flying fuck that man expressed how he felt towards you and you just turn him down yes he messed up his relationship but you shouldn't blame yoself because she messed up too so basically if they both messed up there shouldn't be a relationship because you can't forgive nobody wants you cheat but that's just me

Toni: I know bu-... *runs to bathroom and throws up*

Tamar: Toni are you okay

Toni: yeah it's been happening since a week after we had sex

Tamar: did y'all use protection

Toni: yes

Tamar: did he pull out

Toni: no.... Oh my god I'm pregnant*cries*

Tamar: Toni don't cry you don't know for sure yet

Toni: if I am I know what I'm going to do and that is adoption because I am not getting an abortion

Tamar: Toni Michele Braxton have you lost to everlasting got damn mind you are not giving that child up for adoption and you damn sure going to tell him if you are pregnant

Toni: why should I not give it up when is damn parents are not together... You know what why are we talking about this we don't even know for sure

Tamar: but we are about to find out *gets up and goes to bathroom*

Toni: where you going

Tamar: to get you this pregnancy test out my bathroom

Toni: why do you have them

Tamar: you never know Toni and I do have a boyfriend so yeah

Toni: okay anyway

Tamar: go in there and take it it's on the counter

Toni: fine*gets up and go take the test*

Five minutes later Toni comes out the bathroom in shock and she starts crying

Toni: I'm pregnant

Tamar: Toni don't cry stop crying a baby is a blessing*hugs her*

Toni: I don't know what I am going to do how am I supposed to tell Kenny

Tamar: just give him a call and meet up some where

Toni: okay thanks tay and don't tell the others I want to tell them after my release party

Tamar: I got you girl

Toni: now back to why you got pregnancy test in your bathroom are you having sex

Tamar: it happened twice that's all

Toni: don't let mommy find out because no sex before marriage

Tamar: girl get your life I am grown

Toni: yeah okay but I have to go I Will pick you up Friday cause I want us to go together

Tamar: okay girl bye

How will Kenny react to that?

What will her family say Also?

Sorry for not updating a lot I haven't been in the right mindset since I have to do a project and to top that I am having allergies so I can't see that well because my eyes swell little and hurt but.

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