Two Years Later

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(Toni POV)
It's been a while since the graduation and me and Keri are doing great we got married and we have a beautiful child he is now three. I have to say I am really in love with this man. I am still a school teacher. I now love in California. I really want to persue music so I had to be somewhere where the music pops off the most. Right now I have to go to work so bye.

(Keri POV)
So after the graduation men and Toni moved down to California a year later and we got married. We now have a child he is three years old. I am still working at the hospital but I am going into the music business also as my wife's manager but we still have to wait because we don't have any record deals yet and Toni having sang for anyone yet. But right now I have to get to work so see you later.

(Kenneth POV)
It's been three years since the graduation and me and Nicole have been married for three years now. I am now I'm the music business as a producer and I also sing I have my own record label with my good friend L.A Reid. Our label is called LaFace records we don't have any talent yet because it's just been three weeks since we got the label. Are you later I have to go to a meeting .

I was just updating where they are now. The next chapter will be better. Please vote and comment I would love to here how I did since its my first book.

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