Trying to Love Again

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(Toni POV)
It has been two days since I talked to Kenny and my dad. I don't know I love Kenny but I'm still trying to figure out if I am willing to be in a relationship with him. I also am kind of falling in love with him just the way he has been taking care of me and how he comes over to spend the day with me. As far as my dad he hasn't called to check up or nothing I'm starting to think that he doesn't love us anymore just because he cheated he didn't just separate his self from my mom but also from the whole family. I am not going to stress over him. Or over nobody at that.

In Toni bedroom

Toni is in her bedroom watching tv until someone knocks on the door


Toni: who is it

???: it's me Keri

Toni opens the door

Toni: what are you doing here Keri

Keri: I just wanted to talk to you

Toni: come in

Keri: Toni I just wanted to talk to you about us and how everything went down I know you don't want to get back with me but I wanted to say sorry

Toni: okay but I dont care no more you did me wrong but I will hear you out

Keri: I just wanted to say sorry for cheating on you all those years and for hitting you. I wasn't in my right mindset I loved you very much it's just I was just overwhelmed with everything that I had going on with work and then I come home to you and you were just fussing. I get that you were mad at me because I didn't spend a lot of time with you and the kids. I was actually planning a trip for all of us to go so that's why I wouldn't spend a lot of time with y'all and as far as the cheating I am so sorry I just wanted someone attention because you would always argue with me over nothing

Toni: I'm sorry also I didn't know you felt like that I just wanted you to spend time with us more often yes I get that you were planning a trip but you could have at least said something about it so I could stop arguing with you and stuff. Don't get me wrong I still have love for you but I just can't get over the fact that you cheated and all the other stuff.

Keri: I just wanted to tell you that and I wanted you to forgive me for all of that

Toni: I forgive you Keri

Keri: I just couldn't help but notice that your pregnant

Toni: oh yeah it's going on three months

Keri: if you don't mind me asking who is the dad

Toni: I can't tell you that but one day I will

Keri: ok well I better get going I have to do an interview

Toni: okay I will see this weekend to get the boys

Keri: yeah sure

Toni: okay bye

Keri: bye

1 hour later

There was a knock on Toni di door and she was irritated because she wanted to take a nap

Toni answers the door to see Kenny standing there

Kenny:hey Toni

Toni:hey Kenny

Kenny: its this a bad time

Toni: I was trying to take a nap

Kenny: sorry But I had to come over

Toni: to do what exactly

Kenny: to do this*kiss her passionately*

Toni: *kisses back*

Toni and Kenny kissed for about 5 minutes until she pulled back and looked at him in shock

Toni: Kenny what was that for

Kenny: Toni I love you soo much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you please Toni just give me a chance

Toni:.....Ken i would love to be in a relationship with you but you have to promise me something

Kenny: what is it I would do anything for you

Toni: you have to promise me that you will not cheat or anything to hurt me

Kenny: I promise I won't hurt you ever you have my word

Toni: okay then*kiss Kenny*

Kenny:*kiss back*

Toni: now Mr. Edmonds what would you like to do since I'm wide awake

Kenny: well Mrs. Edmonds I would like to go out to eat right now

Toni: don't do that just yet but I would love to go out to eat with you right now but I have Deizel

Kenny: he can come and Toni we can take this relationship slow if you want cause I don't want to rush any thing too soon

Toni: we can talk about this at lunch

Kenny: okay fine with me

The next chapter is going to be the lunch

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