I'm over you

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The two week later

(Toni POV)
Me and Keri divorce is final. He sees denim every other day. I am now happy that I am single I just want to take time for myself to heal. I want to find the right guy that can treat me right. I still have a crush on Kenny but that shall remain a secret until I am ready to tell him. I am now six months pregnant and he is getting big. Me and Keri decided we will name him deizel ky Braxton Lewis. Denim is about to start school he turned five two weeks ago. Now I can get back to working a little bit. Right now I am going to the studio to meet Kenny bye.

At the studio

Toni: hi I'm here for Kenny

Receptionist: okay just go back there he is waiting for you

Toni: okay thanks

Receptionist: no problem

In the studio

Toni: hey Kenny

Kenny: hey Toni how you been

Toni: I've been good my divorce was just final so I'm still adjusting to it

Kenny: oh you will be okay he just wasn't the right one

Toni: I know but who is the right one

Kenny: you will have to wait to find out *smirking*

Toni: not hush you are married

Kenny: so she don't have to know

Toni: I'm not going to be anyone side hoe so no thank you

Kenny: ight I see you now

Toni: I came here to work Kenny not talk about you trying to get with me Cause we both know that's not going to happen

Kenny: you say it's not but I say it will

Toni: work please

Kenny: alright fine I wrote another song for you

Toni: okay can I see. The lyrics

Kenny; you tryna do a little something in the booth

Toni: no I'm good I just want to write more songs hopefully

Kenny: you know you have to record someday

Toni: I know but it's better to write first then record so we can just get straight to it instead of write and record write and record.

Kenny: yea you do have a point right there for the first time

Toni: I see you got jokes alright I gotchu

Kenny: alright so what song did you have in mind

Toni: well it was a song I was with Keri and it was the cheating so the song was called why won't you love me

Kenny: okay so do you want to start writing it

Toni: yes sure

Kenny: okay

Hold up wait a minute can you tell me

Promise you'd be honest and just tell me

Everything, that you feel

I just want to know the truth

Even if it hurts me ooh oh

Tell me now if you can I just want to understand

Tell my why why won't you love me the way I need to be love

I keep trying why won't you love me the way I need to be loved

Kenny: this is nice Toni

Toni: thanks it was just something that I thought of when I was with Keri you know the cheating and arguing that we did *starting to cry* I thought we would be together forever but I guess it was a lie

Kenny: it is okay Toni *hugs her*

Toni: *crying* its not okay why would he cheat on me was I not good enough was I not loving enough just why

Kenny: Toni you are perfect no matter what he didn't know what he had until you filed for a divorce you are sexy nice caring and you are a hard-working mom look you are in here getting work done to provide for your family he didn't care about you cause if he did he wouldn't treat you the way that he did you will find some one that is caring and that can take care if you maybe you'll find someone today but you don't any thing to worry about

Toni: thank you Kenny *wipes years and looks in his eyes*

Kenny: you're welcome*looks in Toni eyes*

The next thing you know they end up kissing but Toni stops them

Toni: I'm sorry I didn't mean to kiss you

Kenny: its okay *kiss Toni again*

She then didn't pull away and they had a make out session for three minutes until Toni phone started ringing

Toni: *breaks the kiss* sorry I have to get that

Toni: hello

Keri: hey Toni

Toni: what do you want Keri

Keri: I want you Toni after the divorce I start I g missing you and regretting everything that I did to you Just take me back please

Toni: Keri I dont care anymore about you you didn't care about this relationship because if you did you would have never cheated on me for the third time this was the last chance but you blew it the only time you need to be calling me about is denim and deizel nothing else I am done with you and over it so bye*hangs up*

Kenny: who was that because you just went off on them

Toni: that was Keri he wanted to try us again but I had to set him straight

Kenny: feisty I see

Toni: hey only when it's needed and I'm sorry about kissing you I didn't mean to

Kenny: it's okay I kissed you the second time and better yet you kiss better than Nicole believe it or not

Toni: *laughs* wow that's not good am I stealing her man because we kissed that's amazing

Kenny: well hey you might if you give me a chance

Toni: I don't think you can handle me if you had me so and I just want to be single for a while so I can get my mind right

Kenny: I understand but one day we will be together and I mean it

Toni: well okay then but I have to go get my child from school since he started yesterday

Kenny: okay I was just about to leave also I can walk you out

Toni: sure okay and you may go first

Kenny: ladies first

Toni: I know but you can go

Kenny: oh I see you don't want me to look at your but

Toni: yes so you may go first

Kenny: alright


Kenny: well I will see you tomorrow

Toni: yes see you later

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