Lunch Date

341 25 0

At the restaurant

(Kenny POV)

I've got the woman that I want to spend the rest of my life with. One day I am going to marry her because she is perfect. Lord knows that I will never hurt her in anyway. Right now we are going to lunch so see ya.

In the restaurant

Toni: Ken what are you getting

Kenny:I don't know yet either the fish or steak

Toni: oh okay... I don't know what I want

Kenny: really Toni.... You're not crabbing anything on the menu

Toni: lol I am I just don't know which one to pick

Kenny: get both Toni

Toni: fine with me

Once they got their food and drinks they started talking

Kenny: Toni I've always wanted to be with you.... I know I told that before but it's true.

Toni: I can't say the same because you were in a relationship...but I have to admit every time you would talk to me our even look at me I blush but you didn't know that.

Kenny: wow well you have yup get used to me looking at you cause it's going to happen all the time

Toni: you not finna stare at me all the time so I don't know whey your talking about getting used to it.

Kenny: change of subject.... How have the bouts been doing

Toni: as you can see Deizel likes to sleep a lot and Denim likes to go to school and he loves to play with his brother

Kenny: that's good but do Keri see them

Toni: yeah but he only sees them on the weekend because he works during the week. He had stepped up to bring a father because when we were married he didn't spend time with Denim or me.

Kenny: I promise I will always have time for you and the kids

Toni: you better stick to your promise then mister

Kenny: better believe I will

Toni: confident I see

Kenny: always

Toni: anywho.... I'm ready to go babe

Kenny: okay let me get the waiter do you want to take this home

Toni: yeah

They packed their food to go and then Kenny paid the bill after that they went to get all the kids and went to Kenny house to have family time

That night

Toni: Kenny we need to head home

Kenny: no Toni just stay here

Toni: I can't we have no clothes and Keri is coming early to get the boys

Kenny: alright fine but NEXT time your staying the night

Toni: yeah whatever

Kenny: keep playing and ima have you screaming my name

Toni: you d-... Never mind

Kenny: what was you about to say

Toni: nothing

Kenny: stop playing

Toni: I was about to say that you did that already but I didn't want to say it cause you know that you can get cocky at Times

Kenny: its not cocky it's confident

Toni: yeah okay just get us home

Kenny: fine let's go

As they were riding in the car Kenny couldn't keep his hands off of Toni so Toni threatened to cut off his hands and he stopped

Ps: Kenny kids stayed at home and Brandon was watching them

At Toni house

Toni: thank you babe

Kenny: no problem but do you need help

Toni: yeah I will get denim and the food

Kenny: alright


Kenny: babe I am going to go now I will see you tomorrow

Toni: okay and probably not cause I am going to hang with my sister's

Kenny: oh okay well goodnight and I love you*kisses her*

Toni: *kisses back*good night and I love you too

Reunited: ToniFaceWhere stories live. Discover now