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2 weeks later

(Toni POV)
So me and Kenny are a week strong now we are getting back into the studio together to work on another album. I am excited to be back in the studio. The kids are great. So is my other two babies Deizel and he/she. Keri well let's just say that he doesn't see the kids no more often. My family is coping with the divorce still I don't know why because my dad didn't care about us at all. We don't even talk anymore. Right now I am calling Kenny so we can go to this appointment for the baby.

Toni: *calling Kenny*

Kenny:*girl answers* hello

Toni: um who is this

???: no who is this calling my man's phone

Toni:excuse but Kenny is my man so put him on the phone

???: no your not and what do you want with him

Toni: since you miss all bad tell him to come to our baby's appointment

???: ......

Toni: yeah you aunt got shit to say now do you


Toni: yeah that's what I thought. Now bitch when my man wake up tell him that now bye*hangs up*

Toni:*thinking* how could he do this to me to us he said he wouldn't hurt me I don't want to be with him anymore this is to much stress to handle.

Toni: wow...wow...wow...wow...wow

(Kenny POV)
MAN GOT DAMN IT... I DID IT I CHEATED ON TONI WHEN I SAID I WASN'T GOING TO HURT HER. I feel like such a dumb ass. I don't even remember what happen last night. I only remember going to the bar because I had a lot on my mind then this girl come to talk to me. I wasn't interested in her and I kept it short so i then turn around and turn back to find her gone. After I drink the rest of my drink I didn't feel right then I blacked out. I hope Toni don't blow up on me because that's all I remember. Then waking up I knew I wasn't at home and I knew this house so familiar I just didn't know who. Someone opened the door to the room while I was getting dress and in came...


Nicole: hey babe I see your up now


Nicole: ba-...

Kenny: call me that one more time I dare you to

Nicole: I thought you loved me that's what you said last night

Kenny: bitch what the FUCK is wrong with you you have a friend of yours to put something in my drink then you bring me here to FUCK me I ought to slap the shit out of you but I won't cause you ain't worth shit. I COULD HAVE DIED FROM WHATEVER THAT WAS AND YOU WOULD ONLY CARE ABOUT FUCKING ME you know what just stay away from me forever*leaves*

At Toni house
Kenny: *walks in the door* hey ba- Toni

Toni: where were you

Kenny: look Toni I didn't mean to so but somehow I cheated on you with Nicole

Toni: wow so that's who answered your phone

Kenny: Toni I didn't mean to cheat

Toni: yeah okay...  Ima let explain because I'm not finna stress so start to talking

Kenny: okay so I went to the bar because Nicole wanted to go to court so she could get Peyton and I found out from my lawyer. This girl came up to me tryna talk to me but I didn't let her so I turned for like 2 seconds then turn back around to find her gone. I drink the rest of my drink and it tasted different so then I black out so when I woke up I was naked and in her house. So basically she sent her friend to put something in my drink so she can get to me. I went off on her then left and here I am

Reunited: ToniFaceWhere stories live. Discover now