Unexpected Surprise

448 22 5

Four months later

(Kenny POV)
Today is going to be a great day hopefully. Today is the day that I am going to propose to toni and hopefully she'll say yeah. I am going to spoil her all day then have dinner at her fav restaurant. Don't nobody know at all it will be a surprise for everyone. See ya!

Note: Good morning baby,
Hope you slept well. But today is all about you so don't call me it's your day. The kids are with your mom so they are fine. The girls will be with you for company. I made breakfast for you then the first clue you will get is at the spa. Love you baby, Kenny

Kenny: kiddos come on we about to go

Kids: ok

Kenny and the Kids left while Toni was sleep then Kenny went to pick up the ring mean while art home

(Toni POV)
I woke up to no Kenny or the Kids here so i made my way to the bathroom to freshen up then I went downstairs yup find a note. I read the note and was ha happy that Ken did this for me but I wonder where here went but I can't call him. So I ate my breakfast and then got ready for the eventful day today.

Ding dong

Toni: I'm coming

Tamar: hurry up its hot out here

Toni: I'm coming*opens door* hey yall

Girls: hey Toni

Traci: Toni girl you ready cause it's a long day

Toni: yeah I just need my purse


Receptionist: hi welcome do you have an appointment set

Toni: umm yes I guess it's under Edmonds

Receptionist: oh yes five spa treatments you all can go to the back to start

They all went back to start their massages

Tamar: Toni girl what did you do to Kenny to make him do this girl so I can to it to Vince

Toni: I didn't do anything but have the baby so probably that's why so I can relax for once since I couldn't

Tamar: never mind then I am not having another baby

Girls: *laughing*

Traci: shit I mean shoot I will have a baby due this forget that

Girls: *laughing*

Trina: tray can you ever stop cursing for once

Traci: the hell you mean

Girls: *laughing*

Towards: she means can you stop cursing for a minute because you curse a lot

Traci: banana pudding BANANA PUDDING

Girls: *laughing*

The girls finished their massages so now they went to the front to leave until they got stopped

Receptionist: umm Toni Braxton

Toni: yes

Receptionist: Mr. Edmonds want you to have this

It was an envelope with his card and a note

Note: get babe I know you are wondering what all this is for but you won't find out until tonight. So what I want you to do with my card is go shopping and you will use my card because I have all of yours. Just a heads up so have fun with your sisters but one store has another note and it's in your favorite store

Reunited: ToniFaceWhere stories live. Discover now