Baby Girl

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Skip to nine months pregnant

(Toni POV)
I am nine months pregnant and I can't wait until my baby girl comes because i don't like being pregnant no more. She is kicking all the time to where it hurts and I can't move. I guess she is telling me that she wants get out. My sister's and Kenny been keeping me on bed rest and it is boring. Right now I am watching tv until Kenny came in...

Kenny: how you feel

Toni: I'm okay she keeps kicking I can't wait till she is out I'm not having no more kids

Kenny: yes you are

Toni: no the hell I'm not I have enough I don't want a house full of kids

Kenny: fine I guess we got enough kids

Toni: boy when she comes i can't wait because this will be the last time I have another kid

Kenny: if can't wait to make you my wife

Toni: oh so you think I'm going to say yes

Kenny: I know you going to say yes so-...

Denim: mommy can we get in the pool today

Toni: yea but be careful

Denim: okay

All of them went to the pool and had fun until it was dark outside. The kids were already in bed and Toni and Kenny were getting ready for bed

Kenny: when do you think the baby Will come

Toni: I hope soon because she is heavy

Kenny: I bet but I can't wait to hold my baby girl

Toni: yea I hope it doesn't hurt though because I will not be up all night I need my sleep. So what I'm saying is goodnight.

Kenny:*chuckles* goodnight

Around 2 in the morning Toni woke up because she had to use the bathroom but then her water broke

Toni: Kenny... Kenny .... Kenny!

Kenny: yea what's wrong

Toni: my water broke

Kenny: oh shut *gets up and puts clothes on* are you hurting

Toni: no just get me to the hospital

Kenny: alright ima go get the kids

Toni: no Kenny just come on it's starting to hurt call Tamar to come over

Kenny: alright baby

Toni and Kenny both got dressed and into the car while Tamar was on her way to Toni house. They then made it to the hospital


Nurses then came out with a wheelchair and rolled her back while Kenny called everyone


Toni: OMG get this baby out of me

Momma E: baby it will be over soon just get the epidural

Toni: I want a natural birth mommy

Momma E: okay baby

Toni has been in the hospital for 13 hours now and kennedy still hasn't come yet

Dr. Jackie: *comes in* well Toni it looks like you are at ten centimeters and you will be able to push out your baby girl

Reunited: ToniFaceWhere stories live. Discover now