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two months later

(Toni POV)
It has been two months and i am four months pregnant. Out kids rough because my hormones and eating habits all over the place. I have to take care of my two boys. Then it's definitely about to be hard because I still have a baby that is one year old. I hope I have a girl because boys are too much. Right now me and Kenny are getting ready to go to my appointment to find Out what we're having.

At the doctors office

Toni:babe are you nervous

Kenny: a little I can't wait to see what we are having

Toni: me either but I hope it's a girl

Kenny: now that I think about it I want a girl because we have four boys and one girl

Toni: yeah

Nurse: Toni Braxton

Toni: come on Kenny *grabs hand*

Kenny:*holds her hand*

Nurse:Dr. Jackie will be in here shortly

Toni: okay.... Kenny are you excited to see the baby

Kenny: tea since this is my first time and I'm happy to have it with you

Toni: wait wasn't Nicole preggo in college

Kenny: yea but she wouldn't tell me when she would go to get checked

Toni: oh wow

Dr. Jackie comes in

Dr. Jackie: how are you both

Toni: we are good

Dr. Jackie: that's good so have you been taking it easy

Toni: yes I have I have my moments but I try not to stress

Dr. Jackie: good so have you been eating healthy

Toni: well... Occasionally yes but what I crave is not so healthy

Dr. Jackie: so Kenny you will have to watch what she eats because we all want a healthy baby right

Kenny: right so tone be prepared

Toni: *looks at him*

Kenny: what

Toni: oh nothing

Dr. Jackie: okay now let's see what you are having*puts gel on her stomach*

Toni: I'm so excited I want a girl

Kenny: it's a boy

Dr. Jackie: well it looks like a girl

Toni: yes a girl

Kenny: wow that's amazing

Dr. Jackie: do you want pictures

Toni: yes

Dr. Jackie: I will be back then*leaves*

Toni: I can't wait to tell everyone

Kenny: I put it down

Toni: boy please

Kenny: you know I did so stop fronting

Toni: hmmm

Kenny: yea like I said but I am glad to be having a baby by you this is so amazing

Toni: yea it's still unbelievable because we were in college together but never knew each other like that now we are together having a baby after I dont know how many years

Kenny: I love you

Toni: I love you too

Dr. Jackie comes back

Dr. Jackie: okay here they are and your next appointment will be next month same day at eleven

Toni: okay thank you

Dr. Jackie: no problem see you next month*leaves*

Toni: now we have to tell the family

Kenny: yea they are going to be excited I already know

Toni: yea let's go

They leave to go home and they call the family over for dinner

Tamar: so what you call us over for Toni

Toni: well I wanted to talk too all of you because today we found out the gender of our baby

Trina: what is it

Toni: well we are having a -...

Traci: a boy

Tamar: nope it's a girl

Towards: I'm with Tamar

Trina: its a boy

Momma E: it's a girl cause she smiling hard and glowing

Toni: well three out of all is right I am having a girl

All(except Kenny & momma e): yass girl

Kenny: hey I still wanted a boy but a girl is fine with me

Tamar: Kenny you mad or naww

Kenny: made

All: *laughing*

Towanda: are you going to tell the kids

Toni: yea we are

Tamar: what names did y'all come up with

Kenny: we still didn't pick out names yet

Toni: well I'm tired so I'm going to go to bed

All: goodnight Toni

Toni: goodnight*get up*

Kenny: you need help babe

Toni: no I'm fine

Kenny: okay

Toni then goes upstairs

Momma E: Kenny I love how you take care of my daughter you are a good man

Kenny: thank you momma

Tamar: well I have to get home to my baby*get up* momma came on

Momma E gets up

Momma E: well good night everyone and congrats Kenny

Kenny: thanks

Everyone then gets up to leave and Kenny goes upstairs to Toni(the kids are at Kenny mom's house)

Kenny: babe

Toni: hmmm

Kenny: I love you babe and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you

Toni: hmmm I love you to babe...goodnight

Kenny: goodnight*kisses her forehead and goes to sleep*

I am gong to skip through a little bit then I will probably do a sequel to this book I do t know yet but here is something until the next chapter

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