Chapter Forty Nine

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Someone walks into the room.

"Hey sweetie." Someone says in a sooting voice. I look up at the stranger. White blonde hair, brown eyes, an exact copy of me. Almost. She cautiously steps towards me, so I step back. She puts her bag down and puts her hands up like she's surrendering.

"I'm not going to hurt you." She says, talking to me like a child. My whole brain is in full lockdown, alarms sounding red lights flashing. Was this some kind of sick Kaine game? She takes out this sort of portible light and turns it on. Instantly I'm thinking lazer, lazer, intill she flashes it at her hand. Nothing blows up and a giant hole did not form on her hand. She walks cautiously towards me holding the light in front of her.

"Okay I just need you to follow the light for me okay. " She says waiting for my apovel. I just nod my head and focus on the light.

"It doesn't seem to be anything major, but maybe we should take you to the clinic just to be sure." She say while packing up her hands.

"Umm you know, we don't have to....because it's.... you know coming back to me." She looks over at me, with one of those mom looks.

"Are you sure?" She says staring me down.

"Umm" It felt wierd saying that. Mom picked up her bags and gave me one last glance.

"Watch your sister." She whisperd to Zac before leaving. Zac nods and takes my hand to help me off the floor. He leads me to a room with blue walls, and a queen bed. Posters of cheetahs coverd the room. On my dresser were thousands of trophies for track, and another sport I couldn't name. I walked over to one of the trophies and picked it up. It was a golden figure that looked like a person running. On the botton a little plague read

Kiera Zimmerman
1st place
100 meter

"Zimmerman huh." I say reading the plague aloud.

"Yeah." He says looking down at his shoes. "Hey I'm going to call Cody over, is that cool?"


"Yeah my friend, you know the one who play baseball with me."

"Right...Cody." I say putting the trophie down. I look over a the other half of my room, a clear desk in one corner with more pictures of cheetahs. I know the desk is a computer because Jordan taught me about it. A bookshelf is next to it, with guess what more stuff on cheetahs. There is also a dresser.

"What the hell is going on." I say to myself. I walk over to the desk and take a seat. I touch the desk and the internet pops up in front of me. I take a deep breath and type in the lab.

Family Genectics and DNA Center. Nothing comes up. "Okay." I put my fingers down and try something else. Crazed animals attack New York City. Nothing, absolutely, nothing. I slam down my fists in anger.

 It's  some kind of game, and I just have to play along

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It's some kind of game, and I just have to play along. I say to myself. "Okay what to do." One of the cheetah posters catch my eye. "Bingo." I say. I walk to my door and look down the hall. No one is there, so I tip-toe down the hall untill I come to a green room. I walk in and see couple of trophies for baseball, and the exact thing I was looking for.

"Hey, what are you doing?" A familiar voice questions. I spin around and see Cody standing there. He looks exactly the same.

"I was just umm looking at Zac's wolf posters." I said stumbling for words.

"Whatever." Cody says. Then he walks in and comes out a moment later with a baseball glove. I watch him go down the stairs before rushing into Zac's room. There was a differnce between Zac's room and mine. He only had two wolf posters and I had about a thousand cheetah posters. I searched under his bead for books or anything that would give me a clue. I looked through his history on his computer, but there was nothing special. Just normal teenage boy things. I was about to give up when a book sitting in the trash caught my eye. It was an old looking book, with wierd writting on the front. I grabbed it out of the trash can and looked at it. I was just open it when I heard someone coming up the stairs. I dove under the bedand the book went flying. This time Zac came in he reached for one of his bats, I was just about to let out my breath, when Zac tripped on the book. He looked down and I cursed under my breath. He picked up the book and threw it into the trash can.

"Gosh what is with this book." He mumbled before heading out. I desprately crawled out from under the bed. Zac's socks were auful. If someone started touturing me with those socks, I would probaly give in. I army crawled over to the trash can, fished the book out, then ran to my room and read it.

* * * * * * * * * *

My body was shutting down, I knew I had to sleep but I was worried. I couldn't fight when they took the kids, and now I was sulking in the corner like a baby. Martin was still on the floor unconscious. It had only been twenty minutes but it felt like an eternity. I kept thinking of things I could have done differently. They weren't coming back and I didn't know if they ever would. A dark shadow went across the cell. I pressed myself against the wall, trying to make myself small. If my pack saw me now, I would be embarrassed. A weak little animal, covering in fear. I was the alphas mate, I should be better than this. I was a leader myself. I was in controll for sixten years, when Martin left with the kids. The shadow passed over again, but this tim it stopped to look in. I barly saw the person at all. Their hair and eyes blended in with the darkness, but I could still see the outline of a face. A girl probaly sixteen, with camo pants and a white shirt, and then it hit me. Something Martin was talking about earlier about being reborn. There standijg in front of me was my daughter, but this wasn't my daughter, this was something else.

"No." I whisper to myself, as I rise from the corner. I walk up to the bars slowly the girl looks in at me. I put my hands on the cool metal. Maybe this was a mistake, I mean this girl could be someone else anyone at all really.

No, Kelly it's Kiera. A voice says in my head.

"NO!" I scream. I try to reach out for her, but she backs up.

"DAMM IT KAINE." I yell at the empty halls. A screen that I didn't even know was there, lights up in front of me. Kaine waves at me, from the screen.

"I thought that you would like to watch the news," "It must get boring in there." He says motioning to the cell.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask pushing my face between the bars.

"Because your species or whatever it is needs to become extinct, and also now that the president is gone, I can be king. " "I would really like to thank you, or should I thank Kiera?" "Nevermind, I'll figure it out." He waves again and the screen goes black. I slump back to into the cell, and fall asleep on one of the beds.

Half- Ruined (Book 2 in the Morph Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now