Autumn Leaves (An Ed Sheeran Fanfic)

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Tears trickled down my scrawny, pale face. My dry, chapped lips enhaled the ice cold breeze turning my lungs to stone.

Effortlessly, I gently dropped a single red rose on the heap of soil that hid her body.

The rain emerged from the grumpy clouds and splattered forcefully down onto the ground. I shivered uncontrolably at the sharpe coldness that travelled its way up my spine making it tingle with pain.

Mrs Porter was waiting patiently by the car for me so she could take me away forever. I only had these few precious minutes to say goodbye to my mum.

Unknowingly, I dropped to my knees and held my head down in sadness. It was so hard to believe that she was acctually dead. I would never see her again.

"What am I going to do without you, mum?" I whispered to her gravestone hoping she would send down a sign telling me everything would be OK. Of course I didn't recieve one.

I gazed up at the dark sky as nightfall was fast approaching. A few stars shined brightly and I wondered if one of them was my mum. Do you ever wonder if the stars shine out for you? Like they were once alive, but are now stars?

I stood up covered in mud and dirt from the wet ground I had been crying in. Although you could hardly see the mud as my dress was plain black, I was smothered by it.

Wiping away any more tears that swirled to surface, I gave a weak smile to the gravestone that rested infront of me. "Goodbye mum. I love you." I lightly whispered so you could hardly hear it in the whistling wind.

Languidly, I made my way to where Mrs Porter was standing, refusing to meet the gaze that was shooting at me. It was only her and I in the whole cemetry as it was rather small and late at night.

Mrs Porter opened the car door for me and I stumbled inside. Quickly, she walked around the outside of the car to her door and stepped inside. Without hesitation she turned the key in the ignition and started up the car without saying a word.

The silence added to the tension and awkwardness inside the car. Fortunately, our journey only lasted five minutes and we had reached our destination.

Oakwood Childrens home. My new home.

Mrs Porter guided me out of the car with my suitcase still in the car's boot. Carefully, she took my up the few steps towards the house as I was in no state to walk properly.

She headed back for my belongings then guided me to the room where I was going to stay.

The room was dull and boring. Sort of like my mood at the moment. There was a single bed with fresh, plain, white sheets and a small bedside table next to it. On the other side of the desolate room was an empty wardrobe ready for my clothes to go in.

"If there is anything you need, Mark is the home's manager and he will be here all night and morning. He is asleep right now but if there is a problem just wake him up. Bye." And with that Mrs Porter left and I was alone in a strange house full of strange people I didn't know.

I was too tired and upset to have a shower, so I dug out my pyjama's and toothbrush from my suitcase. I simply got changed into my pyjama's and headed to the bathroom with my toothbrush in my hands.

I stared in the mirror looking at my lifeless reflection. My straw like blonde hair, my dull blue eyes and my horrible dry skin. Damn I looked ugly.

I brushed my teeth thoroughly and splashed warm water on my face then exited the bathroom.

Whilst making my way back to my room I came across a chubby ginger haired boy.

"Who are you and what the fuck are you doing in here?!" He whisper yelled.

"I...I...I'm Jessica. I'm new here." I stuttered out a little frightened. He sensed my nervousness.

"Oh I'm sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you. It's just that you are up so late and I thought you were breaking in." He gently told me.

"Oh I'm so sorry." I told him.

"Don't be. I'm Ed by the way."

"Nice to meet you Ed." I forced a smile onto my lifeless face. At the sight of my smile Ed's smile grew bigger. I was in no mood to start having a conversation with Ed. It was too late and I was still upset. "Well... goodnight."

"Erm... yeah goodnight Jessica." He grinned and gave me a slight wink. Then he sped away to his room. My heart melted at the sight of him. He had this charming presence about him... I kind of liked it. My mind soon drifted away from these thoughts.

I crawled into my bed as memories of my mum flooded my mind causing me to weep. I curled up into a ball and cried myself into a depressing sleep.

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