The Plan

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"So are you clear on the plan Jess?" Ed asks.

"Yeah, come on lets start." I excitedly tell him.

Ed fumbles around in his pocket and picks out his phone. He dialls Anna's number, making sure his caller ID is unknown.

"Hello?" Came Anna's voice from the other side of the line.

"Hi." Ed grunts in an extemely low voice making it hard not to laugh.

"Who is this?" A confused Anna asks.

"Its me babe." Ed covers his mouth for a second trying not to laugh. "Your boyfriend Anna."

"Oh hi, whats up?" Anna's suspiciousness leaves.

"I'm breaking up with you." Ed uses his deep voice again.

"W..w...what? Why?" Anna chokes out.

"You're way to clingy man and to be honest you ain't so hot."

"What the fuck?"

"And your hair, like eww do you ever wash it? But seriously, why is your nose so crooked? Don't even get me started on your moustache, if you didnt talk like a cat being sat on I would have thought you were a man." Ed mocked which made us both burst out in laughter. So we were being mean? She ruined my memories with my mum and trashed my room for no reason.

"Who is this!?" Anna yelled frustrated.

"I told you, I'm your boyfriend."

"No your not! Whats your name?!" She screamed down the phone.

"Its err... its... Jebadiah!" Ed's low voice instantly dissappeared and Anna noticed it.

"Ed? Is that you, what the heck?!" She yelled and hung up the phone. We could hear her footsteps fast approaching my room where me and Ed were.

"You ready Jess?" Ed asks.


Anna threw the door open and hurtled through the door.

"Fire!" Ed yelled and we both got our water buckets out and tossed the water at her. She was drenched from head to toe and yelled out in annoyance.

The whole house came in to see what was going on, apart from Mark.

Me and Ed got his water guns out which we had filled with lemonade so she would be all sticky.

We squirted it at her whilst all the kids were in fits of laughter.

Ed got his phone out again and took a picture of Anna.

"Ever mess with Jessica again, and you will get ten times worse than this." Ed yelled at Anna as she ran away to her room. She was the same age as us but way more stuck up.

All the kids cheered as Anna ran away in humiliation. My carpet was wet but I didn't care, I was having so much fun.

"That was EPIC!" One of the boys gave Ed a high five.

"She's always pulling evil pranks. She deserved it. Good one Jessica." One of the girls around 10 years old smiled at me.

"Thanks..." I began.

"Lorna." She told me.

"Thanks Lorna." I thanked her.

"Whats going on here? Why are you all in this room and why is the floor wet?" Mark looked suspicious.

"Nothing Mark, don't worry." Lorna started. "Liam had a bit of an accident downstairs, if you know what I mean. Lorna pointed to the 3 year old boy who went along with it. The other kids nodded in agreement hiding the truth of what acctually occured.

"Oh Liam..." Mark sympathised.

"It's OK Mark I will clean it up, he is my brother after all." Lorna smiled innocently at Mark.

"Thanks Lorna." Mark told her.

"Sorry Mark." Little Liam mumbled to Mark.

"Its all good little lad." Mark smiled the left us to it.

"Good one Lorna." Ed congratulated her. "Liam you little star."

Liam just smiled and waddled away.

"By the way, I'm not really gonna clean this up Jessica." Lorna grinned and left along with the other kids trailing behind her leaving me and Ed alone.

"That was fun." Ed smirked with a roll of kitchen roll that magically appeared in his hands. He handed me a sheet and we began soaking up the water.

"Yeah it was. Thanks for taking my mind off things Ed."

"No problem Jess." He gave me a wink.

"Why do you always wink at me?" I laugh.

"Its all part of my little plan." Ed stated.

"And what plan would that be?" I ask.

"Oh you will find out. All in good time." He winked again then started to clean the carpet.

There was something about his wink that made me like him even more. I wonder what his plan was? To make me like him? Nahhh I'm being stupid, he would never like me, would he?

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