Autumn Dance

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"Right form, I have an announcement to make. Drum roll please." Mrs Molloy announced. Everyone in the form wacked their hands on the tables making a quite pathetic drum roll.

"There is going to be an Autumn Dance this Friday!" Mrs Malloy excitedly informed the class.

The form began talking intensly with one another so Mrs Malloy drew their attention back to her.

"It is a partnered dance so boys are advised to ask the girls to be their dates." Mrs Malloy finished the announcement and let the form discuss in their friendship groups.

"A dance, that sounds cool." I told Ed.

"Yeah I guess so. I dont really dance though." Ed said.

"Who cares? It will be a laugh right?" I try and get Ed excited.

"I guess so." Ed smiled.

"The whole boys asking girls thing will be a drag. I bet no one will ask me." I told Ed trying to hint that I wanted him to ask me.

"I'm sure someone will ask you. You're pretty, funny, clever... someone is certain to ask you." He winked at me.

"Winking still? You have to tell me this little plan of yours." I smiled.

"Oh Jessica, you're so impatient. You will find out soon." He winked once again.

I let out a huge sigh. "Fine!" I accept the fact that he won't tell me.

"Rrrrriiiiinnnnnngggggg!" The bell yelled annoyingly.

"Ahhh! That fucking bell!" It was really pissing me off now. Scaring the shit out of me.

Ed bursted into laughter at the sight of my annoyance.

"You will get used to it... eventually." Ed smirked as we walked to class.

"Ed! Jess! Wait up!" Jake yelled running up from behind us.

"Hey Jake." Ed and I say in sync.

"Jess, I need your help. Its about the Autumn Dance." Jake started. Shit, was he going to ask me?

"Don't worry Jessica, I'm not gonna ask you." Jake quickly stated answering my worried face.

"Oh right. What help do you need?" I politely asked Jake.

"Oh my gosh Jake no!" Ed started to laugh.

"What? Why are you laughing?" I asked Ed.

"Just ignore him." Jake told me. "You know your friend Georgia who you sit next to in Geography?"

Georgia was the girl I had to sit next to in Geography because it was the only spare seat. She was acctually a very nice person, but we weren't proper friends. We just made casual conversation, never acctually hung around with her. My only proper friend was Ed to be honest.

"Yeah, I know Georgia. Hangs around with Lily and those two blonde girls. What about her?"

"Well the thing is, I want to ask her to the dance but I'm too shy." Jake informed me.

"And...?" I asked Jake.

"Would you ask her for me?" Jake pleaded.

"Why me?!" I said confused.

"Because you're the only other girl I know who is friends with her. I don't wanna ask any of my other friends who are dudes coz they will cock it up. Please Jessica." Jake smiled cutely.

"Fine!" I sighed. "And stop laughing Edward! Its not funny."

"Its Ed! And yeah it really is funny." He grinned.

"You won't be laughing when I go to the dance with the prettiest girl in year 11 and you're on your own." Jake told Ed.

"Oh I won't be at the dance on my own. I've got my eye on someone very amazing." Ed told us both.

"Who?"Jake and I asked in sync.

"You'll see." Ed grinned.

"What's with all the mysteries?" I asked Ed trying to hide my disappointment that he likes another girl.

"It makes things more interesting." Ed told me.

I can't believe I agreed to asking Georgia out for Jake. Then again they do make a perfect match.

Jake was quite good looking if I'm honest. Spiked up brown hair and glistening brown eyes. He was fairly tall and had a gorgeous smile.

Georgia had long, light brown hair and brown eyes. She was a few centimetres smaller than Jake which I thought was ideal.

We arrived at my first class that just happened to be Geography which Ed wasn't in with me.

"Cya Ed." I smiled at him.

"Bye Ed." Jake walked into class.

"Good luck in asking Georgia Jess. You'll need it. He asked her in year 9 and she said no. Let's hope she's had a change of heart. Cya!" And with that Ed went to his lesson leaving me with Georgia.

I made my way to my seat where Georgia was already seated.

"Hi. You heared about the dance?" Geogia said excitedly which gave me a bit of hope.

"Yeah it will be awesome. You got any ideas about who you wanna go with?" I cunningly asked.

"Not thought about it yet." She told me. "You should definately go with Ed. He fancies you like mad, trust me."

"You really think so?" I smiled to myself.

"Yeah! Have you seen the way he looks at you? He definately likes you." That made me blush.

"I doubt he would ask me. He said he's got his eye on this amazing other girl."

"Oh right. That sucks, I honestly thought he liked you. Maybe this other girl is you? "

"I doubt it. I wish he did like me. Don't tell anyone but I kind of like him."

"Really?! Well your secret is safe with me." Georgia smiled at me.

"So your date. What about Jake? He seems cool." I hint to her.

"Yeah he's alright I guess. He got Ed to ask me out in year 9 you know."

"Really? What happened?" I was intrigued.

"I thought he was taking the piss and told him to fuck off. I was pretty rude to be honest. Soon afterwards I noticed he was being serious but it felt stupid to change my mind so I left it." Georgia informed me.

"So you liked him?" I smiled to myself.

"Yeah but I doubt he would ask me out again after how mean I was to Ed." She told me.

"This is awesome."

"Whats awesome?" Georgia was interested.

"Jake just asked me to ask you to the Autumn Dance for him!" I grinned at her.


"I'm not lying. Wait. Jake! Come over here!" I yelled towards Jake's direction. He quickly skuttled towards us as he was already watching us.

"Yeah Jess?" He looked worried.

"Do you like Georgia?" I asked him infront of her so she would believe me.


"Gosh Jake! Georgia likes you and you like Georgia!" I told them both.

"What really?" Jake asked Georgia.

"Yeah." Georgia admitted shyly.

"So do I. Will you go to the dance with me?" He asked her.

"Yes you idiot, of course I will." They both grinned at each other.

"Just call me cupid." I smiled at them both.

"Settle down class. Jake, get back to your place." The teacher yelled.

"Yes miss." Jake ran to his seat.

Well that wasn't that hard. If only it could be that simple with Ed...

Autumn Leaves (An Ed Sheeran Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now