Deathly disaster

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"Hurry up Jess! I told Jake we would be at his house 10 minutes ago." Ed yelled up the stairs.

"I'm coming I'm coming!" I ran down the stairs towards him. Ed already had his shoes on and the front door was wide open.

I quickly slipped on my converse and put my coat on as it was really cold outside.

We left the home and started walking in the direction Jake's house was in. According to Ed it wasn't too far away. This was my first time going to Jake's house you see.

Ed and I were only going there because we needed help with our homework. Usually we would just not do it, but this homework was important as it helped us with our music course.

"How far now?" I asked Ed.

"Just straight ahead,cross the road, then turn right and then right again." Ed informed me.


An ambulance rushed passed Ed and I as we were about to cross the road. Only then did it turn its siren on.

"Gosh! It nearly ran us over!" Ed commented.

"I know! Must be an emergancy." I replied.

We crossed the road and then turned right.

"Yesterday was fun." Ed smiled remembering our kiss.

"Yeah it was. So we are officially boyfriend and girlfriend?" I said.

"Yep, I guess we are." Ed seemed pleased. "And that was our official first date."

"Oh yeah." I suddenly realised.

Ed wrapped his arms around my waist and gently kissed me on my cheek.

I felt little butterflies everytime he did that. I couldn't believe Ed and I were together.

Nothing in the world could go wrong. Or could it?

"Look, there's that abulance again.l infront of that house. I wonder what happened." I told Ed.

"Oh my gosh, thats Jake's house." Ed informed me.

"Oh shit."

We both ran towards the ambulance to see what was going on. I was scared as the last time I saw an ambulance was when my mum was getting taken away.

This was probably nothing too serious.

"Excuse me? What happened?" Ed asked a paramedic who was standing by the ambulance.

"I'm afraid I can't tell you." the man told us.

"Please. My friend Jake lives here. Is everything alright?" Ed pleaded.

Then the man looked to the front door as if it would answer our question. It did.

A stretcher rapidly pulled out from the front door with a body on it hidden by a blanket.

"Oh my gosh, what the heck?!" Ed screamed as a tear streamed down his face.

"I'm so sorry mate." the paramedic said as he opened the back of the ambulance.

"Please tell me that isn't Jake!" I began to cry.

Then out of the side of the stretcher a hand, that was clearly Jake's, popped out.

"No!" Ed and I wailed in sync.

"I'm terribly sorry, I have to go." the paramedic entered the ambulace.

What the heck had happened to Jake?

I started to shake uncontrolably. Ed quickly drew me into a hug that we both dearly needed.

We didn't dare to let go of each other. We just stood there crying into each others arms.

"My baby! Please..." a woman who I figured was Jake's mother cried hysterically.

I didn't open my eyes to see, but I could hear her running into the ambulance.

"Nee nor nee nor nee nor..." Ed and I heard the ambulance drive away.

We both shivered in each others arms as reality struck us.

I didn't dare let go of Ed until I knew the ambulance had definately gone.

He was still crying heavily so I called Mark so he could pick us up.

"Hello?" Mark said.

"M..Mark..." I stuttered.

"Jessica? Is that you?" Mark mumbled.

"J...J...Jake...He...Please..." I started to cry once again.

"Are you at Jake's house? I think I know where it is. Stay there." Mark understood something bad must have happened.

He hung up the phone and was with us in 5 minutes.

Mark raced out of the car and paced towards Ed and I.

"What happened?" Mark asked. Ed had gone all pale and looked sickly.

"He's dead..." Ed whimpered.

Mark stood there oblivious to what had happened. He believed what Ed was saying though.

He took us in his car and drove us back to Oakwood.

It all happened so fast. I couldn't stop shaking and crying.

Jake was dead.

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