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"Lucas?" I repeated the word as it. failed to sink in. 

"What's going on? Are you alright Jess?" Ed wondered over. 

I was speechless, unable to talk. Tears leaked out of my eyes and trailed down my face. 

"What have you done? Why is Jess crying?" Ed got a little angry at Lucas. 

"I...I should go." Lucas said. 

"Jess, what did he say?" Ed gently asked. 

"He...he's..." I trailed off. 

"I can see you're in safe hands. I will go." Lucas started walking to the door. 

"Wait!" I yelled. I completely forgot I was in crutches and began to chase after him. I didn't get very far. 

"THUMP!" I collided with the ground as Lucas left the building. 

"Jess!" Ed wailed whilst helping me to my feet and sitting me down. 

"We have to go and chase after him!" I told him. 

"He's gone Jess. What did he say to you? Did he hurt you?" Ed was worried. 

"No, he didn't touch me." I explained. 

"Then what?" Ed looked confused. 

"He said... he said his name was Lucas." I said. 


"Lucas is what my mum told me my dad's name was. That man was my dad!" 

"Shit! Are you sure?" Ed asked. 

"Ed, he knew my name! I'm sure." I told him. 

"Well he's long gone by now. Did he give you a number or anything?" Ed wondered. 

"Nope, nothing." I admitted. 

"Then how are we supposed to-" Ed began but then stopped at the sight of my fresh tears. 

"He just walked out again! He doesn't give a fuck, does he? I mean, how did he even recognise me?" I cried. 

"Jess, don't cry. He's just an idiot. Anyone would be mad not to want someone as amazing as you." Ed comforted. 

"Its just... he caught me by surprise. I mean, I wasn't expecting that at all. Why would he just leave?" I said. 

"I don't know." Ed started to wipe away my tears with his thumb. 

"Thanks Ed." I gave him a weak smile. 

"For what?" Ed seemed confused. 

"For being there. I just wish he would have stayed. I mean, I need answers. Why he left and stuff." 

"Well if he really wanted to make a mends, he will come back." Ed said. 

"But I don't even know if I want him to come back. Well I do. But I don't." I tried to explain. "Does that make sense?" 

"It makes perfect sense. Come on, I think we should call it a night." Ed commented. 

"Are you sure?" I asked. "We don't have to just because of me." 

"I said I would take care of you and plus, I have already performed." Ed told me. 

"Thanks, you're amazing." I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. 

"I know." Ed grinned. "Shall I call Mark to pick us up or-" 

"Lets walk." I interupted. 

"Are you sure?" Ed looked concerned. 

"Yes I'm sure. I want to." I said. 

"If thats what you want. Come on." Ed helped me up and out of the building onto the quiet street. 

"Well tonight was..." I began looking for the choice of words. 

"Unexpectedly weird." Ed finished my sentance. 

"Yeah, it was." I agreed. "Ouch, these fucking crutches." 

"I knew we should have called Mark, or taken a taxi." Ed told me. 

"But I like the fresh air. Its better than being stuck in a car." I commented. 

"Yeah but now your hurting because of the crutches." Ed said. 

"Oh well, I don't mind." 

"I know." Ed cheekily grinned. "Here lean against the wall." 

"Why?" I asked. 

"You'll see." 

I did as I was told and held the crutches in one of my hands. Ed turned around so his back was facing me. 

"Climb on." he ordered. 

"A piggy back? I'm quite heavy." I told him. 

"No you're not. Plus, I'm hench." Ed showed off. 

"You're so gonna regret this." I climbed on to his back and he held me firmly. 

"You good?" Ed asked. 


Ed ran down the street and I started screaming with enjoyment. 

"Ahhhhh!" I yelled as his speed increased. 

It was so fun. The fresh cool breeze whipped round my face. It was amazing! 

"I'm sliding off!" I yelled whilst I was slowly slipping still laughing like a weirdo. "Put me down." 

"Never!!!" Ed laughed but his speed decreased. 

We were almost at Oakwood now so Ed finally put me down. He always knew how to take my mind off things. 

"Am I awesome at giving piggy backs or what?" Ed grinned. 

"Yeah you are." I agreed whilst putting my arms into the crutches. 

"I know!" Ed smiled. 

"Ed? Don't tell anyone about Lucas seeing me. I don't want to cause a fuss. It happened so fast and we barely said anything to each other." I explained. 

"My lips are sealed." Ed grinned. 


Meeting my dad for the very first time didn't feel like I thought it would. He left me. He abandoned my mum and I. That was unforgivable. I hoped I never would see him again. He wasn't worth it. 

"Had an intersting night? Did anything happen?" Mark asked when we arrived back at the home. 

"It was pretty dull really. Just sang my song and left." Ed told Mark. "But it was cool. 

"Well I'm glad you had fun after all thats happened." Mark said. 

"Yeah." Ed replied. 

After everything that had happened in the past months, Ed and I got through it all together. Life could go suck it coz I overcame its shit and ended up at the top.

Autumn Leaves (An Ed Sheeran Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now