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"Hi..." he mumbled as I stared at him in shock.

I looked at him, unable to process that he was actually here. Standing right infront of me. I realised my mouth was wide open and closed it.

"Aren't you going to say something then?" he laughed.

"Ed!" I raced into his arms and got one of his big cuddles I had longed for so many times. "You scared me half to death. What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to see you." he smiled his heart melting grin whilst pulling away from me.

"You look so... so much older." I said.

"So do you. But in a good way. I've missed you so much." Ed admitted.

"I've missed you too." I told him. "I thought you were a burglar or a rapist or something."

"What?" he chuckled. "This is a takeaway right? People are supposed to come here."

"I know, it's just that we weren't open." I said.

"Then what are you doing here?" he quizzed.

"I..." I mumbled not wanting to tell him of my clumsiness of not locking the door. "Nothing. I was just locking up."

"Oh right." he grinned knowing I was lying.

I led him outside the takeaway and locked the door behind me.

"So where are you living now?" Ed asked casually.

"Some shitty dump hole. But its cool. I'm in my last year at uni." I told him.

"University. Wow Jess that's so awesome."

"I know, it's really cool. It's hard work but it will be worth it in the end."

"Yeah it will." he agreed.

"I have no idea what I'm going to do when I leave. Its so hard to find a job. Even if you have gone to uni." I explained.

"Yeah, I know exactly what you mean..." he trailed off. "I mean it took me 5 years to finally get famous-ish."

There was an awkward silence as we both remembered why he left. It got me thinking. Why did he come back and see me? He obviously didn't love me anymore, or he would have called or something. What was I doing? I was talking to him like nothing happened. I should have been furious. I got straight to the point.

"Why did you come here?" I asked quietly.

"I told you: to see you."

"But why? Why did you want to see me again after so long?" I questioned.

"Because you're my friend. I wanted to see how you were." he said unconvincingly. A friend. Was that all I was to him. A friend? He wanted to see how I was? If he wanted to know if I was okay, why didn't he call? At least once in the 5 years we had been apart.

"Oh." I frowned.

"Shall I tell you the truth?" he asked knowing I was disappointed. "I wasn't going to come and see you, I thought you would hate me." He began.

"So you didn't even want to see me?" I questioned.

"Yes. No. This is coming out wrong. I didn't want to come because I thought you wouldn't want to see me."

"Then why did you?" I quizzed.

"When you called in on the radio. I realised how much I missed you and how much I needed to see you. Knowing that you were here... I just had to see you." He admitted.

"Ed I was always here. Stuck here, on my own. You could have called, texted, anything." I told him.

"I know, but I couldn't..." he trailed off.

Autumn Leaves (An Ed Sheeran Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now