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A drama free month passed by and I woke up on a frosty morning of winter.

"Wakey wakeeeeeeyyy!" Ed jumped and sat on my bed, startling me half to death.

I rubbed my eyes and sat up.

"Why are you up so early? Its the holidays!" I asked him.

"Really Jessica? Are you honestly asking me that?" Ed beamed at me. "Its fucking christmas!"

"Oh shit yeah! Merry Christmas Ed!" I smiled at him.

"Merry Christmas Jessica." he gently kissed me on the cheek.

"I can't wait to give you my present! I've been dying to see the look on your face."

"What is it?!" I asked excitedly.

"Open it and see!" Ed handed me the present looking more happier than me.

The way he wrapped it was so neat. The wrapping paper was sky blue with shiny silver snowflakes in them with a soft silver bow stuck in the middle.

I shook it gently and heard a light jingle.

"Just open it already." Ed said.

"Alright alright." I smirked.

I quickly unwrapped the present and a small box was uncovered.

"Go on, open it." Ed grinned.

I slowly opened the lid of the box.

There lying elegantly was my mothers locket which was stolen when I got mugged. The exact locket which my mum had left me with the only picture I had left of hers.

"Oh Ed!" I managed to speak as amazment filled my lungs. "How did you find it?"

"You know that pawn shop round the corner? Gazzer's Goods? Well I was on my way back from the corner shop and saw it in the window. I recognised it from somewhere and realised it was yours. The one that got stolen on the day we went to the park." Ed explained.

"Oh my gosh Ed, it must have cost a bomb. Thank you!" I gave him a well deserved hug.

"You're welcome. Here, let me put it on you." Ed offered.

I turned around and lifted my hair up so he could fasten it on. I turned back around and opened up the locket. The picture wasn't there.

"Yeah, the woman in the shop said thats how they received it. She wouldn't tell me anything about who sold it to her though." Ed informed me. "Sorry."

"Ed, don't say sorry. This present is perfect. The present I got you seems pretty crap compared to this. It definately didn't cost as much." I told him.

"What is it?!" Ed widely grinned excitedly.

"Wait, let me get it." I rushed out of my bed and into the draw on the other side of the room. I took it out of the draw and hid it behind my back. "Here." I handed him the gift.

He quickly tore the wrapping paper off.

"Oh my gosh!" Ed laughed. "You actually framed this?"

"Of course I did. That day was awesome, well the first half was."

It was a silver flowery photo frame with the picture of Ed and I at the funfair. We were pulling silly faces and the huge teddy bear we sort of, kind of stole was between us.

"This present is perfect just like you." Ed smiled and gently kissed me on the forehead.

"Merry Christmas Ed." I smiled.

"Merry Christmas Jess."


Sorry this chapter was short and kind of failed. I had writers block. Hopefully the next one WILL be better and more exciting:) xxx ED SHEERAN POWER!!!!

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