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After breakfast, I arrived back to my room to find it had been trashed. Someone had deliberately ruined my room!

The whole contents of my suitcase had been emptied onto the carpet and had been thrown about. My clothes hung from the draws and some were spread across my bed. My pillow and covers were now on top of my wardrobe, too high for me to reach. Then I noticed something terrible...

The photo album that I made for my mums 40th birthday which she never recieved was empty. Where were the pictures? I turn around and study my room whilst tears build up in my eyes.

Suddenly my eyes lock on the bin at the far corner of my room. Rapidly I scurry towards it and see all the pictures are scrunched up and drawn on.

I pick one out and uncrumple it. I drop to my knees and cry at the memory which this picture holds.

Me and my mum with spades in our hands at the beach revealing the sandcastle we made which took an hour to do. That day the sun was beaming down on us and we had the best fish and chips ever.

Now some pathetic idiot had drawn all over it and ripped it a little. A huge wave of tears appeared in my eyes and flowed down my face.

"What the heck happened in here?" Ed was in the doorway. He noticed me sobbing and scuttled towards me. "Jessica? Are you OK?"

I was unable to speak. He then realised what I held in my hands and what was disposed in my bin.

"Who did this?" he said in a gentle tone but with a sliver of anger coming through.

"I don't know...I...I just walked in and it was a mess." I croakily cried.

He drew me into a comforting hug which made me feel a little safer.

"It's OK Jess, don't cry." Ed wiped away all my tears with him thumb.

"But its not OK." I wailed. "I'm not bothered about the stupid room. These pictures were the only pictures I had left of my mum. Now they are ruined."

"What do you mean? Where is your mum now?" Ed asked a little confused but scared of what the answer might be.

"She's dead! She died 4 days ago thats why I'm stuck in this home." I cried.

"Oh Jessica, I'm so sorry." Ed genuinely was upset. "What about your dad?"

"Don't have one. He left my mum when she was pregnaunt with me. All my life it had just been me and mum. No uncles, grandparents, the whole family thing. Me and mum against the world. Now its just me." I weeped in Ed's arms whilst he stroked my hair softly.

"I'm so sorry Jessica. I'm going to find out who did this. They aren't getting away with this." Ed's voice raised just a little.

"You would do that for me?" I asked quietly.

"Of course. You're my new friend aren't you? I look out for my friends because I care about them." He smiled cutely at me.

Ed cared about me? We had only just met. It was nice having a friend who cared, I wasn't used to nice friends...

"Thanks Ed." I thanked.

"No problem. Here let me help you tidy up. I'm sure there are some pictures we can manage to salvage."

"You're awesome you know."

"Yeah, I know." He grinned and winked at me whilst picking out photo's from the bin.

As I had only been living in the room less than a day, it didn't take that long to clean everything up. We managed to do it in 15 minutes as well as unpacking all my belongings into suitable places. I didn't really have a lot of stuff to call my own though.

Me and Ed sat on my bed completely shattered.

"Thanks for helping Ed, it means a lot." I told him.

"It was my pleasure Jess."

"Shouldn't we tell Mark about what they did to my room?" I asked.

"Although Mark is an awesome guy, he doesn't really give a fuck about stuff like this. It happens way too often you see." Ed explained.

"Oh right." I was disappointed. Ed could tell I was too.

"That's why there is lots of fights around here. People take matters into their own hands." Ed smiled a little mischievously.

"Ed...What are you planning?" I ask curiously.

"Oh nothing Jessica." He smirked innocently.

"We don't even know who did it Ed." I told him very rightly.

"Well let's see. There are 12 of us altogether including me, Mark and you. Everyone in the house was downstairs for breakfast and when I left everyone but Anna and Jared were there."

"So it was one of those two?" I ask.

"No, its Anna." He stated so sure of himself.

"How do you know its her?"

"First of all Jared wouldnt hurt a fly, he would never do this, second of all Anna always pulls stupid stunts like that and thirdly, did you see the way she was looking at you? She loves her sleep and you stole it from her."

"Oh...Is Anna the one with short brown hair and a crooked nose?" I ask Ed.

"Yeah thats her." Ed tells me.

"She did say 'watch out newbie' to me before..."

"Did she? Then its definately her. She is going to get what she deserves."

Damn he looked fit when he was being evil.

"Ed... I don't want to cause any trouble."

"The trouble has already been caused. Plus, it will be a laugh. No one hurts my mates and gets away with it." He smiled. I was always one for pranking.

"Lets do this then."

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