The Music Lesson

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Author's note:

Right my lovely Sheerio's this chapter mentions the song 'Autumn Leaves' and I know Ed Sheeran didn't write this song when he was 15 but just go along with it. Anyway here it is:) xx...


The day had gone so fast. Me and Ed had just finished the most boring maths lesson ever and got a load of homework. Now it was time for music, yay! Luckily I had the same music teacher as I had form tutor.

"Last lesson! Thank God." I told Ed.

"Yeah I know. I don't even see the point of school. Listening to grown ups not learning a thing." Ed spoke glumly, obviously tired from all the work.

"I get what you mean. But music is fun, right?" I try to sound positive after a hard day at school too.

"Yeah, music is awesome with Mrs Malloy." Ed assured me.

We stumbled into the music room and sat down in the same seats we did in form.

"We are carrying on the music song project we started 4 weeks ago." Mrs Malloy informed the class. "I hope most of you are past halfway now."

The whole class instantly got on with their work.

"Erm... Mrs what shall I do?" I asked clearly oblivious to what the class were doing.

"Oh well its much to late for you to start now, you will just have to see if anyone will let you work with them." She replied.

I walked into the empty room where Ed was sitting with a guitar in his hand. He looked so cute all alone in the room with his music. He looked happy.

"Ed? Can I work with you? I wont be any trouble or anything I-"

"Jess," Ed interupted. "Of course you can work with me. I'm almost finished anyway. Here, have a listen." He handed me some head phones that were connected to the MAC computer. I propped them on and Ed pressed play.

"Another day, another life, passes by just like mine its not complicated..." The song progressed through as tears appeared in my eyes. Ed was too busy with his guitar to notice I was crying.

"Another life that's gone to waste." That line reminded me of my mum and more tears flooded through with the memories.

"And you're miles away from yesterday you were here with me." I listenef to the passion and longing in Ed's stunning voice.

"I miss you, and I wished you stayed." I wish my mum stayed too. It was like this song was describing exactly how I felt.

"Stay out, and live forever now."

The song ended as a stream of tears ran down my face.

I snatched the headphones out from my head and quickly gave Ed a huge hug.

"Hey, are you OK?" Ed sounded a little worried.

"That was beautiful." I croaked out.

"No you're beautiful. That isn't even finished and it doesn't sound professional or anything."

"The lyrics, they were so powerful. You're an amazing song writer."

"Thanks." Ed awkwardly smiled not used to such compliments. "Please stop crying, I don't like seeing you cry."

Ed put his thumb to my face and stroked away all the tears that were escaping.

"There, now you are gorgeous once again." Ed winked.

Autumn Leaves (An Ed Sheeran Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now