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So Ed left. Every single time the door to my room opened, I thought it would be Ed coming back. But it never was. He never came back to Oakwood for me.

As time progressed, I came to accept he wasn't coming back and got on with my life. It was time to follow my dream, like he was following his.

So I concentrated on my studies. It kept me occupied and I learnt loads. When my gcse's occured, I revised so hard and it turned out I didn't find them too difficult.

Results day came around and I got a C in Spanish, an A* in Music and B's in everything else. So I got into the college I wanted to go to. Just like Ed said I would.

I passed my A levels and got into University. Me in Uni! I couldn't believe it.

5 Years after Ed left

"2 fries!" Nikki yelled to me.

So I was working in a takeaway. It was only a temporary job, so I could help pay for uni. It wasn't so bad. It was getting me to where I wanted to be. A teacher. And maybe, just maybe, I might get enough money to travel the world once I finish university too.

"Coming right up!" I yelled and quickly shovelled the fries into their boxes. I handed it to Nikki and she gave it to the customer.

The place was dead now. Nobody there but Nikki and I.

"Oh turn up the radio Jess. This is my new favourite song." Nikki told me. I couldn't quite hear it, but the tune sounded familiar.

I turned the knob on the radio up.

"I'm out of sight, I'm out of mind, I'll do it all for you in time, and out of all these things I've done, I will love you better now, nooow." the radio sang.

A huge smile spread across my face as I instantly knew who it was. I started laughing to myself without knowing why.

"Whats so funny?" Nikki asked.

"Who's singing this?" I ignored her question.

"Ed fucking Sheeran! Haven't you heard his other song "The A team"?" Nikki explained.

My heart fluttered at the sound of his name.

"Ed Sheeran?" I managed to breathe out through my smile.

"Yeah, he's the new singer/songwriter on the block."

"Since when?" I was amazed. Ed had made it. He got his dream. This was the first time I had heard anything from him since he left. Hearing his voice again was bliss.

"Since a few weeks ago. Apparently, when he was 16 he ran away to London and did a load of gigs and shit, and eventually got signed after all his hard work and determination." Nikki explained like she was an expert on his life.

"Oh wow!" I exclaimed.

"Shhh, listen!" Nikki pointed to the radio.

"Were here all night with the new singer/songwriter Ed Sheeran. He will be answering any calls we get in tonight." the man on the radio said.

"Holy fudge! He's answering questions! Oh my gosh, I'm calling in." Nikki announced making me a little frightened. She was going to talk to Ed!

"Quick, hand me the phone!" Nikki yelled but I didn't move. "Fine, I'll get it."

She leaped towards the phone and dialled the number the man on the radio said.

"Its ringing!" She yelled in excitment.

"And we have a caller for Ed. Hi, can you tell us a bit about yourself?" the radio blared.

"Well I work at the local takeaway "Finley's food" in Suffolk and I'm a huge Ed Sheeran fan." Nikki explained.

"I'm from Suffolk too, how weird?" Ed sweetly greeted.

"" Nikki froze at the sound of Ed talking to her. She pushed the phone in my hand. "You talk."

"What? I can't." I told her.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" Ed's beautiful voice came from the phone. My heart fluttered.

"Erm hi." I stuttered.

"Hey, what's your questiom for me?"

Ed asked noticing the caller had changed. He clearly didn't know it was me. What should I ask him?

"Erm, what's the hardest thing you have ever had to do?" I asked.

"The hardest thing I've ever had to do? That one is easy. Leaving my home town, to go to London. I left so many people behind. Especially this one girl, I loved her so much. Still do. So yeah, leaving her was the hardest thing I have ever had to do." Ed admitted. He still loved me.

"Oh..." I didn't know how to respond.

"You didn't say your name." Ed asked politely.

"Jessica. Jessica Thompson." I said.

"J...Jess?" Ed murmered.

"Erm, bye!" I quickly slammed the phone down in a panic.

"Oh my gosh! You just talked to Ed Sheeran!" Nikki beamed.

"Yeah... yeah I did." I couldn't believe it. After 5 years, I finally got to talk to Ed.

"Well we seem to have lost connection with that caller. Ed? Are you alright? You look like you've seen a ghost." the man on the radio said.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Ed assured but I could tell by the tone in his voice he wasn't.

"Why did you freak out and hand me the phone?" I asked Nikki.

"I dunno, I panicked." Nikki admitted.

"I can't believe I acctually talked to him." I smiled.

"What do you mean? You didn't even know who he was until I told you a few minutes ago." Nikki said.

"Oh yeah. I don't know." I told her, not wanting her to know I knew him.

"I wonder who that girl he left behind was? We might even know her! He said he lived in Suffolk. I wish I was her. She knew Ed Sheeran!" Nikki said.

"Yeah, I wish I knew her too." I told her.

Autumn Leaves (An Ed Sheeran Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now