Not Alone

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I was halfway home when I realised. I had forgotten to lock the takeaway door! Anyone could go in and rob it.

"Shit!" I muttered under my breath as I started pacing back in the gloom of the night sky.

My feet pounded hard on ground beneath me as I turned a corner. My mind filled with worry, I could get fired!

I had to squint my eyes to make out buildings in the darkness. The only light I had were the few twinkling bright stars, shimmering in the pitch black of the night.

I took a left into the alleyway, as it was much quicker that way. I new all the shortcuts in this neighbourhood.

I could just about see a few dark figures at the end of the alleyway, smoking like dragons. They spotted me and began to approach me.

Getting a little frightened, I retraced my steps out of the shorcut and decided to take the longer way round.

I started to hear footsteps getting louder and louder behind me. I was petrified.

"Oi!" one of the lads behind me yelled. "Wait up!" he commaded.

I ignored him and started walking a little faster.

"Hey! I'm talking to you! You rude bitch!" he insulted. He leaped up and grabbed my wrist, making me yelp. The other boys crowded around me until I was in the centre of a circle.

"Get off me!" I yelled.

"Shut up!" He hissed. I bent down to my wrist and bit down on his hand hard, making him release his grip instantly. Rapidly, I pushed passed the other boys and broke in to a run. Quickly, I chased up the road, hearing footsteps gradually getting quieter.

"Fuck it blad. Can't be arsed." I faintly heared another boy say.

I turned the corner and panted for a breath. That was close. I had no idea what those guys wanted, but I sure as hell I didn't want to stay and find out.

I quickly remembered the unlocked takeaway and ran up the road towards it. Thoughts swirled in my mind, filled with what might have beens. I could have got mugged. Beaten up. Raped. Anything. I nudged these thoughts out of my head. I needed to get to the takeaway.

I slammed into the front door then flung the door wide open. Phew! Everything was fine.

I entered the takeaway and shut the door behind me. I needed a drink of water. I switched the light on, still feeling a little scared. I was alone, at 12:30PM in an empty takeaway. Not assuring.

I went into the back and took out a clean glass from the cupboard. I gently turned the tap on and placed the glass underneath it. Water filled the glass to the brim and I chugged it down.I let out a refreshing sigh and shoved the glass in the sink.

I zipped up my coat as a wave of coldness hit me and whipped its way around me. The rush made my spine shiver. Why had it suddenly got so cold?

Cautiously, I began to walk to the front of the takeaway. The door was flung wide open. Thats why it got so chilly.

Wait, I swear I shut the door behind me, I thought to myself. Then a thought struck me, making me shiver even more.

Someone had come in. I wasn't alone in this building. Anxiety filled my body. I was in terrible danger. Who had come in?

I felt the tremble of a freezing cold finger tap my back. Slowly, I turned around to see my fate.

I tried to scream, but all that came out was a weak, hoarse gasp...

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