The Park

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The week went by so quickly. You know what they say, time flies when you're having fun. Well with Ed, I always had fun. We were basically best friends now. He took my mind off my mum which was always good considering I wasn't crying all the time.

Ed and I were in his room dodging homework. He had his guitar out and was playing random tunes as I sang random lyrics.

"I'm sitting in his room watching him play, on this autumn morning of Saturday, now I don't know what to sing next, what word rhymes with next, chill dont get vexed." I sang and laughed whilst attempting to improvise.

"Awesome lyrics Jess." Ed sarcastically complimented.

"I know I'm just a natural star." I smiled.

"Yeah you are." There was something in his tone that told me he was serious about that last remark.

"Come on Jess, let's get out of this place, its so boring." Ed suggested.

"Where?" I asked excited.

"Anywhere. Its better than being cooped up in this place all day." Ed threw on his jacket and grabbed my hand. "Come on!"

We raced downstairs and I replaced my fluffy slippers with my red converse as Ed passed me my jacket. Then we flew out of the door and out onto the street.

The fresh, cool, autumn breeze swirled around us both. I snuggled into Ed's arm for comfort as the cold air ran down my spine.

"Its freezing!" I complain.

"Dont worry, I'll warm you up with my extreme hotness." Ed joked and I laughed at the fact that I acctually thought he was hot. Not warm hot, but fit hot.

"So where are we going?" I asked Ed.

"The world is our oyster. We could fly to Berlin, Tokyo or Jamaica. We can go where we want say the word and I'll take you." Ed grinned.

"I would love to go to Berlin, but we left our money at the home." I told him.

"Oh right," Ed brought himself back down to reality. "How about the park?"

"Sounds cool, lead the way!" I told him.

We made our way to the park embracing our spontaneous journey. The place was literally deserted. Not a person in sight.

"Its dead here." I said.

"Negativity Jessica," Ed tutted. "We have the whole park to ourselves!"

Ed always turned something bad into something good.

"Yeah, that's pretty cool." I admitted.

"Race you to the swings!" Ed yelled and ran in the direction of the swings. I chased after him until we reached them.

"I win!" Ed smiled and gave me a cheeky wink whilst jumping on the swing. I propped myself onto the swing next to him.

We both soared high up into the clear sky as the wind whipped around us. We began to giggle at how childish we must have looked.

I leaped off the swings into the air and landed on my feet.

"Come on Ed jump off!"

"I can't, I will fall!" He yelled.

"You won't, you'll be fine. Trust me." And with those last two words he pounced off the swings and landed flat on his arse.

"Ouch! That was fun. I've never jumped off a swing before." Ed told me.

"Really?" My mind suddenly drifted to a pigeon that also caught Ed's attention. It was a little far away though.

"I just have to run up to that bird and scare it so it flies away." Ed eagerly gets up from the ground.

"You're such a child." I laughed as Ed raced after the pigeon.

Soon both Ed and the pigeon weren't in sight so I guessed it must have flown off and Ed tried to catch up with it.

Instantly, I felt something hard pressed up against my back. I turned around slowly to see who it was.

A man dressed in all black with a mask on his face stared at me.

"Gimme all you got!" He yelled at me which made me even more petrified.

"I...I don't have anything on me, I swear." I pleaded with him. I was telling the complete truth.

"Don't give me that shit!" He pointed a gun to my head. Part of me just wanted him to pull the trigger, to get my life over and done with. What did I have to live for anyway? All my family had left me. I blocked these absurd thoughts out of my head.

"Please! I'm telling the truth!" I began to whimper. Where was Ed?

"What's this here then?" He pulled at the necklace around my neck which made me gag. He was nearly strangling me. "Give it to me."

I carefully unfastened the necklace and he snatched it out of my fingers.

"Anything else?" He evily asked.

"HEY! LEAVE HER ALONE!" Ed screamed from the distance and paced towards us. The man quickly fled the scene leaving me frightened as fuck.

"Jess? Are you alright?" Ed asked me softly clealy knowing the answer. I couldn't make a single word come to my lips.

He drew me into a hug making me feel a little safer. I cried like a baby in his arms as he tried to calm me down.

"Its alright Jess. I'm here now. I won't let anyone hurt you. Shh..." He gently stroked my hair. "Did he take anything?"

" necklace that my mum gave me." I cried.

"Oh Jess, I'm so sorry I took you here." Ed sympathetically apologised. "Come on I will take you home."

Emotions flooded my body as the walk home progressed. I had just been robbed. He had stolen my precious locket my mum gave me. It was the only picture I had that wasn't destroyed by Anna and now it was gone. Forever.

Reality striked me as I realised I had just had a gun pointed at my head. A real gun! I could have been murdered. The thought sends chills down my spine.

Ed and I arrived home and he lead me up to my room.

"I will be right back." He assured me and raced downstairs.

A few minutes later he returned with two mugs of tea and handed me a mug.

2 lumps of sugar. He remembered. I had told him this a week ago, I didn't even think he would remember.

"Thanks Ed." I give him a weak smile.

"Its the least I could do. I'm so so so sorry Jess, if I knew I never would have taken you. I never should have ran after the stupid pigeon and left you on your own-"

"Ed," I interupted him. "Its not your fault."

"It is, I shouldn't have left you. We should call the police and tell them what happened." Ed told me.

"Its not your fault Ed." I repeated again. "I don't want to get the police involved, I just want to forget about it."

"You have to call the police. He stole your necklace. That locket with the picture of you and your mum." Ed ordered. Wow, he really does pay attention to what I say. I didn't think he would remember the locket either.

"I don't even know what the man looked like. There is no point. Please, lets just leave it."

"Fine." Ed reluctantly agreed. "If thats what you want."

I gave him a friendly kiss on the cheek to say thank you which made him blush.

"What was that for?" Ed shoots me a wide grin.

"For being amazing. You literally saved me back then."

"Well if I didn't leave you in-" Ed began.

"Stop Ed. You saved me, and I'm truly grateful for that." I thanked.

Catching me off guard, Ed draws me into a loving hug that almost makes me want to cry.

"Now what was that for?" I repeat Ed's earlier question.

"For saving me."

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