Introduction X Beginning X The story begins

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     I threw my knife towards my final victim and listened to the thud sound as it reached its target. After I heard the man drop dead, I looked around the room. Nine people total: killed by me not Muh. It's hard to be proud of yourself when you successfully wiped out nine people instead of just the one assigned to you.
      I  expected better from a group of "tough" security guards who laughed at a little girl like me. One of them dared me to slap him in the face, so I did, it was a weak one though. When I got tired of their foolish teasing, I started to dash around them in circles. Then I drew out my knife and sliced their heads off in one lap. Their confused expressions laid printed on the heads dropping on the floor. With no one to get in my way, I walked into the room where my target waited, and I finished my assignment. 

My name is Mai, and in case you haven't noticed I'm an assassin.

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